Chapter One

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Chapter one

Dipping the cleaning cloth into the expensive brass cleaner for the sixth time she continued to rub the golden colored vanity set determined to get it to shine once more .
"Sara" an accented call pulled her from her work . She looked up to find the small Russian man looking at her expectantly.
"Yes Mr. Ozera ?" She questioned he rarely disturbed her while she worked . Mr Ozera was her boss he had hired her when no one else would with no identification documents. He had owned a small antique shop OZERA Antique & Restore he paid decent enough to make a living  . She had been running for years now never staying long enough in one place and never using her true identity . She had took the name Sarah Marshall when she left her father 6 years ago .
"I have an Important client coming in this evening to drop off an item that is to be restored." He stated I sighed wondering what this had to do with me Mr. Ozera has always handled his 'Important clients' himself and was more then capable to do them she already had her hands full with the vanity set .
"I have an emergency to attend to at home so I need you to handle the client and Sara he is  priority above all else . You-"  I quickly interrupted him in protest.
"But Mr. Ozera Mrs. Hudly was quite adamant I get her vanity set finished by morning"
He waved her complaints away with a small hand gesture .
"I'll handle Hudly Mr Romanov is to be handled above all. I'll need you to lock up store when you are finished now good day ms Sarah see you bright and early tomorrow morning ." The Russian owner said tugging on his gray top hat heading towards the stored exit. Sarah sighed staring down at her grease and grime covered hands she knew she couldn't complain much seeing as this was the only job willing to hire and with good pay under the table .
"Oh yes and Sara ? This will be a 20% commission to you" Mr. Ozera Called before the doors bells sounded announcing his exit .
Can't complain at that at all it's about time to start saving for her next move . She thought about going to Mexico but her father had more eyes there especially her grandfather and his cartel that ran majority of the major and small towns down south .
Continuing her work on the antique set Sarah lost track of time completing almost half the vanity set when the bell from the front door signaled a customer .
Quickly brushing her self off she rushed to the front counter of the small antique shop .
"Welcome to Ozeraz Antique & Restorations, how can I be of service ?" I asked in habit as Mr Ozera had asked plenty of times . Sarah looked to see three men in black suits entering eyes sweeping over the small store and racks that lined it til they zoned in on her  . My heart dropped my instincts telling me to run . They found me . I held my breath as another man entered his presence demanded respect an air of authority . Tall dark and handsome his shoulders broad as his own black suit fit against his body .
He glided to the front counter as his dark eyes raked over me , his eyes seemed so dark they almost looked black in the poor store lighting . he had a 5'clock shadow adorning nhis handsome face , strong jawline and big lips .
He said something in Russian and seemed to direct it at me . I looked at him confused and a bit intrigued with his accent. of all the languages I was forced to learn Russian wasn't one .
"Where's ozera ?" His accent thick his voice deep and quiet . I blinked transfixed by this foreign stranger , what the hell is wrong with me right now ? I seriously need a full 8 hours of sleep this lack of sleep is getting to me .
"Mr. ozera has an emergency to tend to and left me in charge , I will be handling and restoring your items " I explained finally able to breathe again . If they were my fathers men I would've already been getting dragged back to California by now. I'm sure Gabriel would've been the one to do it too .
After assessing me for a few seconds he looked behind me at the silver half polished antique set and finally The stranger raised his hand as if motioning for someone his voice rang out in the silent store .
Another suited man entered the store carrying something big that was covered by white sheets .
" Where would you like it to be placed?" The tall stranger I was assuming to be Mr.Romanov asked .

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