Chapter Nine

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When his lips met mine everything around me dissolved into nothingness and all that mattered in that moment was Dimitri and his lips on mine .  i brought my fingers to my lips lightly still lost in that moment outside with Dimitri . After our kiss we headed back to the penthouse the anger and frustration that had built between us had diminished and was replaced by a new kind of frustration and tension . Before we got to the penthouse we stopped at a fancy restaurant to pick up some take out with the discrete entry and they way the workers acted with Dimitri I bet he owned it . I opted for a fettuccine Alfredo pasta and a cheesecake for dessert . Dimitri settled for a steak dinner and a bottle of red wine .
The sun was setting by now as we drive back to the penthouse I couldn't help but stare at him as he drove his eyes straight ahead on the road .

When we finally got home we settled in the patio outside to have our dinner I couldn't help but notice how romantic it all seemed and how fast it gotten this way . Just a few hours earlier I was yelling at him and he was walking away and now we're having dinner. Absentmindedly I touched my lips again thinking back to the kiss we shared .
"Did you enjoy dinner?" Dimitri replied, breaking me from the spell I quickly put my hand down blushing . Looking at Dimitri his eyes were focused on my lips just as I was going to say something a phone rang. Dimitri straightened up and answered immediately speaking in Russian . I watched as his almost care free demeanor disappeared and his expression turned dark . I could almost taste the anger that washed over him and the atmosphere around us .

What if Ian finally found something on me ? what if he knew... my heart started pounding in my chest at the thoughts running through my head. Dimitri pulled me from my thoughts when he stood abruptly  without another word he left still talking on the phone as the elevator doors closed not even a backwards glance my way .
After Dimitri left so quickly my mind was reeling and i paced back and forth until i got tired then decided to take a shower and head to bed i don't think he was coming back tonight .
Drying my hair with a towel I walked out of my bedroom and made my way back to the terrace outside as usual to enjoy the city lights . Deciding i didn't want to stay cooped up in the penthouse i called Marcus to take me to ozeras shop . It was beyond the stores closing hours but i needed to busy myself with something . Marcus was still upset with our last encounter he hadn't said one word to me, i guess i did deserve his stand offish attitude towards me . When we arrived at the shop it was dark and quiet the smell of the polish that's used to clean almost every item in the store wafted over me , it was its own unique smell that i could hardly describe . I went straight to the back after turning the lights on in the store there were a few pieces that were brought in and needed to be cleaned it would be a good distraction.
I had choosen a vintage ornate metal music box it was small enough to fit on one hand and the designs caught my interest . The box itself was red although you couldn't tell because all the gold work twisted around the heart shaped music box . i wound up the small dial on the bottom and what sounded like the Waltz No. 2 started to play softly when i opened the heart shaped lid . Underneath the beautifully designed box was a glass that shown a metal rotating cylinder and the comb that prongs that created the music it amazed me how such small metals pieces could make something so beautiful. once the music stopped i got the polisher and the cleaner out and got to work to make this already stunning piece into the beauty i know it was once.

A knock at the door shattered  the world I had created around me and got lost in . Looking up at the clock I nearly dropped my jaw it was 4 almost 5am I had no idea so much time had fast turning my attention towards the door I started to apologize to Marcus for loosing track of time but it wasn't Marcus standing in the door it was Ian .
Knitting my eyebrows in confusion I asked, "where is Marcus?" My eyes darted behind Ian expecting him to be close by .
"I sent him home a couple of hours ago, I don't mean to interrupt your work but I need to take care of something's and I can't leave you here alone ." Ian explained . Rolling my eyes at him I sighed.
"Your free to go Ian, Mr.O we'll be here in a few hours to open up anyway. I don't need a babysitter I'm more then capable of being alone ." I retorted annoyance lacing my tone . I didn't mean to sound like such a brat but my freedom was important and I needed it more then anything just because I made out with Dimitri didn't mean he could take that freedom away .
"That was before you made yourself a target". Ian said not affected at all by my attitude, His expression was bored as if he wanted to be anywhere but here .
"What?! Me ? How am I A target I haven't done anything ." I exclaimed throwing my hands in the air .
"You knocked out and embarrassed Santos's men in this store a couple of weeks ago and he isn't very happy why else would you still be at the penthouse?" Ian said deadpanned . His words froze me in my tracks for two reasons my hands went limp at my side . First I froze at the mention of Santos and the threat that he was to my cover. I wasn't scared of santos he was an old washed out bat since before I left my father if I hadn't left he would've been 6ft under,  by my one hand . Life really has a sick sense of humor , the man my father had chosen as my first kill that  I refused to kill could in turn be the one who destroy me and be my very undoing . The second thing that made me freeze was that being the reason Dimitri insisted I still stay put in the penthouse. Of course he lied why wouldn't he he's a freaking mob boss it's his second nature! Suddenly angry at myself for staying when I should've ran .
"Come Sarah we must go now I have things I need to take care of." Ian said once again not aware of my current Dilemma .
"Ian just go.  I know how to take care of myself . Tell Dimitri to back off he said I wasn't his prisoner so let me be ." I said firmly. Turning around and sitting messing with the cleaning polishes and clothes . Ian's footsteps retreated and a minute later the sound of the stores door closing , I got up from my seat and went to lock the door making sure no one could come in . 
Unable to actually stay in the store after mine and Ian conversation I locked up the store and took started to walk where I don't know and didn't care I just needed to clear my head . 
I found myself thinking about Santos and why Dimitri hadn't found him and handled him if he was such a threat better yet why hadn't Father sent anyone after him . What if he did and they were here looking for him ? My imagination got the best of me as my mind created tons of scenarios on what ifs .
Looking around me I realized I was walking in the direction of the penthouse even thought it was at least 7 miles away I didn't care though it was nice not having a tail following me or being stuck in the penthouse .
Absentmindedly I had started to hum the same Waltz that had played from the music box as I walked .
When I started to near the penthouse the sun had already started to rise lighting up the city buildings and people started to occupy the sidewalks and streets going to work or wherever they needed to be . When I had arrived at the huge luxurious building I had started to call home, the fatigue of my long walk and the long period of no sleep had started to wear on my body . Dragging my feet to the elevator I got in and clicked my floor and swiped my security card to allow me access . Wondering why my phone didn't send me a notification telling me someone was on the way up reached into my pocket and grabbed the phone only to find it was dead for how long I have no idea.
When the doors slid open I was relieved I could finally go to sleep .
My relief was short lived when I rounded the corner and Dimitris livid form came in to view my heart dropped .

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