Chapter Twelve

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I laughed to myself as I watched Mrs O scold a drunk and stumbling Mr. O to the music that blasted from a small speaker . Shaking my head a smile on my face I reveled in this moment, this is what happy felt like, what a real family feels like . I couldn't help the pang of sadness that pulsated quickly in my heart at what I had missed growing up .
I was sitting with one of Mr. O's Nieces Annya she was a few years younger then me and she'd taken a liking to me and followed me around wherever I went.
I had went inside to grab another wine cooler from the fridge content for the moment. When I headed back outside and stopped at the screen door when Dimitris Rover pulled into a vacant space out front, biting my lip I took him in as he got out of the vehicle . The sight of him made my heart skip a beat and my body warmed . He was in a casual attire today a nice sweater that fitted him perfectly and dark jeans that contrasted perfectly with the sweater. When he walked over the the passenger side my eyes knitted in confusion what was he doing .
My heart dropped when he opened the door and a beautiful blonde got out immediately linking her arm with Dimitris .
I watched as Mr O greeted Dimitri warmly along with Mrs O .
After giving it a quick thought I exited refusing to look in their direction I went to sit back with Anya taking a sip of my drink pretending to be unbothered even though my hearted was beating so loudly I could hear it thundering in my ears . Anya talked animatedly beside me unaware of how much I was freaking out inside . He was with another woman a beautiful blonde as if he didn't go an a murder spree the night before for me I inwardly scoffed . Jealousy reared it's ugly head and my shock started to turn dark and angry . Stupid me falling for a mafia boss of course they weren't faithful to one woman they felt it made them look weak . I could walk away now I wouldn't let me self actually fall in love with him I would save myself the heartache . Grey eyes flashed in the back of my head no , I wouldn't delude myself like I did with Gabriel. Dimitri did me a favor and showed me what is was before it was to late .
Smiling along with Anya at what she said hoping it looked like I was paying attention taking a deep breath I pushed all my emotions way and tuned back in to Anya .
"- so Kelly moved out right and she didn't even say anything so now I'm on the hunt for a new roommate because rent in the city is just insane. But I'm glad Kelly and her drama is gone but I mean a little warning would be nice right ?" Anya finished all in one breath ranting and raving about her roommate issues .
"I could use a room for a few weeks" I said automatically without thinking .
"Seriously !? It would be so awesome you could teach me how to do my make up right and talk to guys" she said seemingly genuinely excited . Anya seemed to have such a big personality she was young and full of life. Nodding I took another drink and asked some questions about the room and where it was located .
"How soon can I move in?" I asked her .
"Now if you want" she said " let me tell my uncle I'm leaving then we can go check it out." She beamed and bounced over to Mr o.
Dimitri and his mystery woman were nowhere to be seen so I assume they went inside .
I made way to the trash can on the side of the house to get rid of my empty bottle and started to go find Anya so we could go scope out my new room when I was pulled roughly by my arm to the backyard where nobody was around Dimitris Armani cologne evaded my sense. I jerked my arm back from his grasp and turned to look at him careful not to show any emotion I kept my face blank .
"Sara-." He started and I put my hand up .
"I don't care." I said his dark eyes pinned me in my spot but I met those dark eyes not backing down .
"What are you doing here?." He asked his face just as blank as mine, I couldn't help the score that escaped my lips. Unbelievable he is prancing around with some blonde and he's questioning me why I'm there ? Make it make sense .
"I was invited, who is she ?" I countered his question lifting my eye brow, Dimitri narrowed his eyes and clenched his teeth.
"That is not your concern it's-." I turned and started to walk away at his words anger and disbelief clouded my mind . How dare he stupid man .
"I'm not done talking to you". He said his voice low anger lacing his tone. Oh so he had now had the audacity to be mad at me ?!
"I'm done talking to you. I'm not going to just be another woman to you that's not who I am, if you'll excuse me Mr Romanov ." I finished voice void of emotion my back still faced him I continued to walk away. 

I had sadly let Anya know I couldn't stay with her and left the party quickly making sure I wasn't being followed . I had walked to a near by park and called a cab to get me, when the yellow car showed up I left my phone on the park bench I was sitting on so Dimitri wouldn't be able to track me . Not that he would want to anyway he'd be busy with his latest conquest, I couldn't help the disgust and disappoint that rushes through me . Disappointment in myself for believing someone like him could be a one woman man that he would even consider it and disgust for allowing myself to be another notch in his designer belt .
The cab had driven me to the out the city we were now driving passed lots of trees it had almost seemed like the air around me had got more clear .
I was taken to a motel 30 minutes from the city in a very secluded area surrounded by trees it was a nice change of scenery .
I didn't bring much cash not knowing I'd be in this predicament when I left the penthouse but I had enough to get me a room for a couple of nights thankfully it wasn't to much and a little extra cash given at the front desk my identity would remain unknown .
The small motel room I was in looked pretty out dated and old but it was better then the ratty apartment I had before .
Dropping myself in the recliner by the bed I threw my head back and sighed heavily and shook my head slightly . Stupid men , stupid Dimitri .

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