Chapter 8

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It had been a week since i had seen or heard from Dimitri again but Ian had dropped by a couple of times making sure everything was okay and i didn't need anything. A part of me was disappointed at Dimtiris absence and the other part was relieved, my brain couldn't functions properly around him.  My phone alerted me to a text message, it was Marcus letting me know that he was outside . i had asked marcus to drive me somewhere today not exactly telling him where he would just tell Dimitri and he  would say no rolling my eyes at the thought of how bossy Dimitri was i grabbed my bag and went downstairs to meet Marcus so we can go to my apartment.

thanks to New york traffic a 25 minute ride turned to an hour, i didnt give marcus an address i was simply telling him where to go.  when we pulled into my neighborhood it seemed to click in finally where exactly we were marcus's blue eyes shot to mine and narrowed. before he could say anything i unlocked thee door and hopped out at the stop sign.

ii almost felt bad for misleading marcus but i needed to check my apartment and make sure my things were still there and the money was safe . going up the stairs it seemed pretty quiet so far footsteps rushed behind me and i turned quickly ready to strike out .

"we should not be here Dimitri will not be happy" Marcus said catching up to me.

"Did you even park the car?" i questioned ignoring his statement continuing to where i resided.

"Ms Marshall we should go. now." he said more firmly.

rolling my  eyes i unlocked my apartment door and headed in leaving the door open for Marcus to follow .

"Dimitri is your boss not mine." i said shrugging and motioning for him to sit.

Walking over to my small  excuse of a bed i moved it to the side, coming here after staying at the penthouse i realized just how bad this small crappy apartment was .

Lifting the loose floor board that was hidden underneath the bed the stacks of cash i had accumilated were in place . stuffing them into my bag and placing the floor board back i slung my nag over my shoulder and walked back over to where marcus waited impatiently .

"see that wasnt to long now was it?" i teased him lightly, he was not amused .

walking to the door i stopped the tea set caught my eye and i turned to marcus biting my lip.

"Could you bring this?" i  started placing the set back into the box they were brought in and cloding it in making sure they wouldnt break .

opening the apartment door i turned back to marcus to make sure he grabbed the box, he had and he was looking past me his face was grim .

i turned and ran smack into a firm chest startled i tried to back away but strong grip held me in place looking up i met Dimitris angry eyes, i swallowed loudly.

After some angry words in russian with marcus dimitri had dismissed him and turned to me face hard eyes narrowed on me . Biting my lip I started down the stairs and out the building footsteps behind me know he was following behind me . Exiting the building I spotted his car much like I imagined Marcus left his earlier, right in the middle of the street . Dimitri was still silent as we got in the vehicle I'd noticed he left his keys and the car running. Finally not able to stand the silence I opened my mouth to speak and he turned and shot me a look silencing me again.
Sighing I slumped in my seat arms folded across my chest . Deciding he wasn't the boss of me I spoke anyway .
"Look Marcus didn't know where we were going I didn't tell him I just gave random directions til we got there." I looked at him his jaw was tight and the grip he had on the steering wheel turned his fingers white .
"Marcus will be dealt with.You stubborn girl always going against what I say never listening ." He said voice low but even turning to me he muttered some more things in Russian by his tone I assume he was scolding me .
"I won't go back to that place anymore I have nothing there to go back to. But I think it's time I find my own place. With the money you gave me I could find something somewhere better." I blurted . He turned the vehicle sharply and I had to hold on to the arm rest . Suddenly he jerked to a stop on the side of a street thankfully this time not in the middle of the road . Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he turned and pinned me with his dark eyes .
"You can stay in the penthouse. Pay me if that makes you feel better but stay there it's yours." He said eyes daring me to fight him .
"Am I your prisoner now?" I asked feeling as if my freedom was being stripped and it was awakening the need to fight or flee . Nothing was more important then my freedom not him not anyone .
Dimitris eyes met mine and he stared as if reading my thoughts.
"No Любимая-." Cutting himself out abruptly He stepped out of the car shutting the door behind him and started walking away .
Confused I jumped out and followed him .
"Dimitri!" I called catching up, if he heard me he didn't show it he just continued walking .
Frustrated at him pointlessly ignoring me I pulled his arm finally pulling him to a stop .
He glared down at me his nostrils flared the look he was giving me would have sacred anyone into running away but I was just as frustrated as he was .
"Why are you walking away? We aren't done talking." I argued .
"Here" he grabbed my hand and placed the key to his rover in my hand .
"Go" he demanded anger still clouding his eyes . When he was angry the dark brown in his eyes almost seemed black like dark bottomless pits that pulled me in .
"Stop demanding me! I'm not one of your men Dimitri ." I countered chest heaving letting go of his arm I poked him in his chest .
Astonishment flashed across his face again much like every other time I defied his commands not used to being denied.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him I felt the heat radiate from his body and his warm form chest touched was flush against my own .
" you drive me crazy Любимая" he said so close I could feel his breath on my face . My heart was beating and I all the words I wanted to say vanishes from my mind and he clouded every single thought . My body felt warm.
"I'm giving you the chance right now to walk away from me from everything that comes with me Любимая . If you were smart you'd run and never look back". His eyes bore into mine almost begging me to go . I knew he was right I should run away never look back protect myself just as I had the last five years. I didn't want the life that came with him I had already gotten away from his lifestyle.
And yet my feet stayed planted where they were my heart called for him . As if he read my mind and my decision he let out a small growl his arm snakes around my waist pulling me tighter to him then I thought possible . With the other arm he cupped the back of my head gently and pulled my face towards his those luscious big lips sought mine in a hungry kiss and I reveled in every second of it . 

Authors note :

Oh myyyyy !! 🫠🫶🏻.

As you may have noticed I have quite a few error in these past chapter and this one as well I apologize ! I am typing on my phone and sometimes autocorrect thinks it's helping but it changes things around and makes it so confusing ! Lol this is a complete right draft and once I get to a certain point I promise I will clean it up !! Just bare with me please . If I edit now I fear the chapter may come to a halt and the flow of things will be disrupted . Buuuut dispute the Mant errors I truly hope you all are enjoying the book so far ! I know I only have 70 views as of right now but those views mean the most to me and inspire me to continue !! This story had been locked away in my head for 4 years and I'm finally able to get it all out . Please do leave me feedback I accept constructive criticism ❤️

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