1. First Day Jitters

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The cool breeze of fall's morning whistled gently through the air. Dawn's warm rays began to shine over the horizon, making everything seem a little brighter. Despite the chilled wind, a young girl smiled hopefully as she made her way down the sidewalks of a large city. No matter what she'd tried that morning, nothing could calm her nerves for her first day at a new school. 

Her father had worked in a department that required him to travel a lot, which never really bothered her, until the family had gotten a notice that they needed to move to another city across the country. Her parents didn't seem upset by the news at all, on the contrary, they seemed excited to move away from everyone they knew and cared about. And that's how she ended up in this annoyingly large city her parents called home. 

"Eve!" A voice called from behind her. Eve turned to see a cheery blonde running up from behind her. When the girl finally caught up, she rested her hands on her knees and stopped to catch her breath. 

"Damn! How do you walk so fast?!" She exclaimed as she finally stood up and turned to look at the girl.

"Well, good morning to you too, Zoe," Eve responded as she began walking again.

Though the pair hadn't known each other for long, Zoe had been the first person to approach Eve once she'd moved to the city. From there, Zoe finally got Eve to come out of her shell and the two became best friends, though Zoe still teases Eve about her shyness from time to time. Ever since becoming friends with Zoe, Eve has begun to find it easier to talk to people, though she still has her moments sometimes.

"So, you ready for your first day at Westbrooke Private High School?" Zoe teased seeing how worried Eve was. 

"Of course I'm ready," Eve spoke confidently, despite her nervousness being obvious.

"Listen, Eve," Zoe stopped walking and turned towards her. "You don't need to be worried, I'm sure everyone will love you." 

Zoe started walking in front of Eve, facing backwards to see her, giving her more words of encouragement. "I mean, if I can be friends with you, I'm sure everyone else would love to hang out with you too."

"Oh yeah, cause you're just so cool," Eve said sarcastically before laughing. 

"Hey! I am cool! Maybe you just can't see it!" Zoe argued before joining in Eve's laughter.

The laughter began to die down as the two neared the daunting building. Eve stopped in front of the stairs, and Zoe looked back from a few steps up. The school building was massive, easily three times the size of her old school. It had wide marble stairs leading up to it with tall marble columns in front of the entrance. Eve took a look at some of the other students entering the building, and even though everyone was wearing the same uniform, she felt underdressed. 

Zoe took Eve's hand and pulled her up the stairs and began dragging her towards the entrance, all the while Eve was telling her to knock it off and that she could walk on her own. Once they reached the top of the stairs, Zoe finally let go of Eve's hand and the pair stood in front of two large wooden doors with two intimidating security guards on either side.

"Don't worry, all they're going to do is check your ID then let you in," Zoe whispered to Eve once she saw the worried look on her face. 

Zoe walked up to the security guard on the left with Eve and held up her student ID. The guard raised a hand-held scanner and a red light wavered over the bar code at the bottom before buzzing and turning green. 

"Go ahead," The guard muttered before Eve stepped up and held out her ID. The guard raised the scanner and the red light hovered over the bar code. Eve was waiting for it to buzz red and get kicked out, or something else to go wrong because today had been way to easy so far. The guard noticed her nervous expression just as the scanner buzzed green.

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