6. Silhouette of the Sea

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Eve was overcome with a feeling of warmth across her face as she squinted her eyes shut tighter than they already were. Somehow, she managed to force her eyes open before she quickly shut them again as the brightness of the room overwhelmed her. Eve quickly sat up, rubbing her eyes and blinking a few times to try and let her eyes adjust to this new bright setting, it was very different from the dark void she was in only moments ago. 

Eve looked up to see an array of broken columns and ancient ruins. Tall vines winded themselves around each column, holding some up mid-air. Eve felt her eyes widen in surprise as she looked around. The air was humid and in some places around the area, water drizzled down from the sky.

This is this other world? Eve thought as she quickly stood up and looked around. A warm breeze rushed past her, waving her hair in the wind. The air smelled like... salt? Was she near some kind of ocean?

Eve was quickly pulled from her thoughts as a deafening roar filled her mind. Eve instinctively covered her ears and ducked down slightly. The roar quieted for a moment and Eve looked up to see a large winged lizard flying through the sky. She felt her mouth drop as she stared in awe.

A dragon? Seriously?! I knew this world would be different, but a dragon? Eve stared excitedly at the creature, wondering if she was going crazy or not. Before she could continue staring, she met its gaze. The monster screeched and flew towards her. Eve didn't have time to run, not that there was anywhere to go, and there weren't any weapons around her. In a moment of panic, Eve ducked slightly, covering her ears and hiding her face in her knees, her only thought was a prayer that the dragon wouldn't see her.

Eve gasped as she felt a whoosh of air rush past her as the dragon passed right through her. Her hands reached to her chest and felt, wondering if there was a part of ear missing, but she remained intact, much to her disbelief. After taking a few deep breaths, Eve turned back to see the dragon sniffing around the area she was at. Though it wasn't sniffing near her, it was certainly a bit too close for comfort. Still, she couldn't help but admire the creature.

Its scales were shaded a light sky blue and its underside was painted a deep navy hue. Small golden horns perturbed from its forehead and blood red eyes scanned the ground beneath her. Eve's eyes remained stuck to the dragons coat and, without even realizing it, her hand reached out to touch its head. Her fingers moved towards the top of the dragon's head, but her hand fell through the dragon when she went to pet it.

Eve jumped back, startled. She looked down at her hand and saw parts of the ground beneath her through it.  Shocked, and not quite sure what had just happened, Eve looked back up towards the dragon. Whatever was going on with her trying to pet it, the dragon didn't seem to notice and after one more quick sniff, it raised its wings, pushing off against the ground and taking off, leaving only a small cloud of dust in its wake.

Eve wondered why she couldn't touch the dragon with her or why it had passed right through her. She raised her hand to the wall behind her and went to go touch it, but when she tried, her hand passed right through the stone. Eve stood in shock for a moment, not quite sure what to do, before she remembered something Yunan had said earlier.

Eve remembered that Yunan had said she would be like a sort of ghost in this world, maybe that's why it phased right through her. Eve thought for a moment and realized that the dragon had been able to see her, just as anything else in this place until she wished that it couldn't. Maybe the way she could go back and forth with this was by simply wishing that she could or couldn't be seen.

Before Eve had anymore time to consider the possibilities of this ghost-like state, a booming roar rang out from above her as she felt herself fall into the shade. Eve looked up, slightly panicked to see a massive dragon soaring above her. 

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