11. Cold and Cloaks

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Time had passed slowly for the pair as they traveled across the great ocean. Eve encouraged Sinbad to come up with a plan as to where they were headed, but every time she brought it up, he simply told her: 'Don't worry! It'll be fine!'

The weather had become a bit more brisk as the winds chilled more than they had been closer to Partevia. The waters became rough at some points and the air felt icily cold. Sinbad had said they were probably nearing the icy north, an uncontrolled territory that was nothing but iced over mountain tops and snowy hills. Eve silently thanked herself for grabbing Sinbad's disregarded cloak from the port, but decided not to tell Sinbad about it until later. 

She remembered encouraging him to buy some warmer clothes as they weren't sure of where they were going, but Sinbad had said that he wouldn't need them. Speaking of Sinbad, the glorified sailor now sat shivering under the little protection of Eve's cloak. Feeling a slight tug on her cloak, Eve looked down to see Sinbad, clutching at the ends of her robe desperately while he shivered. She quickly yanked the cloak away from his grasp, to which he tried to cling onto, only to fail as his hands were too cold to hold any actual grip.

"I told you to get some warm clothes back at the port and you didn't listen, so now you'll suffer the consequences," Eve tucked the ends of her cloak under the rest of the slightly worn out fabric, keeping it out of his reach.

"But it's so cold! I'll freeze to death!" Sinbad argued while rubbing his arms.

"You chose not to get any warm clothes so that's on you!" Eve snapped as Sinbad tried once again to pull part of her cloak down to at least break some of the wind.

Sinbad moved to the other end of the boat, shuddering at the coldness and pouting slightly while mumbling something under his breath. "You're so mean..."

Eve rolled her eyes and while Sinbad wasn't looking and was busy pouting and sniffling in the corner, reached under her seat and pulled out and slightly beat up, thick brown cloak. The same one he had carelessly thrown aside only a few weeks earlier... identical to the one he was begging to share.

"Sinbad," Eve started, cutting him off from more of his mumbling. 

"What? "He grumbled, still pouting and not even turning to look at her, to which Eve almost chuckled.

"Well, I mean if you're just going to sit and pout in the corner, I guess you don't need this..." Eve waved the folded up cloak in her hand and rolled her eyes as she dramatically spoke.

Sinbad opened his mouth to give out another pouty remark before his face lit up with pure joy at the slight of the cloak. A small gasp escaped his lips as he ran over and pulled the cloak out of her hand and quickly threw it on, sighing happily as the warmth of the cloak finally shielded him form the merciless chilly winds.

Sinbad's eyes opened again as he quickly turned to face Eve, who now sat quietly huddled up in her warm cloak. "How long have you been hiding this?" His eyes narrowed as skepticism laced his voice.

"Since we left Partevia," Eve replied calmly. "It's the one you tossed aside back at the port before trying to fight the princess."

"You picked it up?" Sinbad asks, slightly curious to how she might've known he would need it.

"Well, I figured something like this would happen, so I came prepared," Eve stated.

Sinbad sat back down across from her while happily huddling up in his cloak. Eve snickered slightly, seeing how he nearly melted into the warmth of the old cloak. He almost looked... kind of cute. The way he smiled warmly once he was wrapped in the cloaks protection, the way he'd act childish sometimes...

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