3. Unexpected Changes

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Time had passed easily, Eve began to finally fit in at her new school. She memorized where all of her classes were and was doing well in her courses. She was happy, even though she still missed her old home, she made new friends that helped her forget about the pain of having to leave everyone and everything behind. She knew it would take a while to get over the hurt of moving across the country, but it's not like she couldn't ever go back to her home.

She had truly begun to fully adjust to her new life in this big city, and she was happy with all the new friends she'd been making over the past two months, but one thing was bothering her. Zoe hadn't been speaking to her much lately. She felt like Zoe was going out of her way to avoid being around her.

Zoe had switched desks in English class to move away from her, she stopped walking with her to class, and Eve rarely ever saw Zoe on the walk to school anymore. Eve had tried talking to Zoe about it, but every time she brought it up, Zoe simply responded with, 'I'm fine,' or 'it's nothing'.

Eve had been frustrated and annoyed by the whole thing, but most of all, she was upset that someone she'd felt so close to was pushing her away without even telling her why. Zoe was the first friend she'd made in this big city, and Zoe took her in without much question. Eve really appreciated that, and was constantly thanking her for being her friend and taking her in when no one else would. But now it seemed like Zoe didn't care to even be near her. 

English rolled around as Eve began walking to second period, hoping to see Zoe there, and maybe ask her why she was avoiding her. As she walked into Mr. Mitchel's class, she looked to the far end of the classroom near the room's windows, and saw Zoe sitting in the middle seat in the last row. 

Eve slowly walked up towards Zoe's desk, taking a deep breath. Eve felt her throat tighten and her words leave her. It was like she'd never learned to speak to begin with. 

Zoe looked up at her through lidded eyes, clearly annoyed by her presence, which made things even harder for Eve. A cold glare was the only sight that met eve as Zoe barely spared her a glance.

"Zoe, why have you been-" Eve started before being cut off by Mr. Mitchel.

"Alright students, to your desks!" He stood from his desk, picking up a tall stack of papers as he did.

Eve frowned and looked back at Zoe only once more before returning to her desk. Zoe rested her head in her arms and held her gaze outside the window.

Eve sat back in her desk, looking over at Zoe, who didn't seem to notice. She'd have to try another time to get her attention.


Eve stood almost instantly when the bell rang and made her way out Mr. Mitchel's door, waiting patiently for someone. As soon as her gaze fell upon the blonde, she quickly grabbed Zoe's arm and began dragging her down the hall. They were in the back corner of the school, so it wasn't hard to find an empty janitor's hall.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" Zoe yelled as she tried to wriggle her wrist free. 

Eve held a firm grip on her wrist before they reached the hall and then she let go.

Zoe stopped yelling and simply glared at Eve. Eve frowned and looked to the ground, gathering up the courage to ask Zoe the question she'd been trying to answer for weeks.

"Zoe," Eve started, taking a deep breath. "Why have you been avoiding me?"

Zoe remained silent for a moment, contemplating her answer.

"Please, if something's bothering you, or if I did something wrong, I don't know- just, please... tell me what's wrong.." Eve sighed as she looked up at Zoe, holding eye contact for a moment before Zoe sighed and looked away.

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