10. Ocean Blues

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The boat swayed softly against the waves and the once baby blue sky melted into a soft ombré of oranges and pinks. Eve sat quietly towards the back of the boat while Sinbad sat towards the front. Eve's gaze was fixed on the gentle movements of the water as the boat cruised silently along. Sinbad's golden eyes watched her as his brows furrowed. He looked down before closing his eyes and trying to think. Back at the port, when Eve and Princess Serendine were fighting, Eve kept moving around and disappearing without a trace like it was nothing. He was glad, as it had gotten him out of a sticky situation, but his curiosity was piqued and he wondered if that was the only thing she was capable of that he didn't know about.

Eve picked her left arm up and moved it over the side of the boat before lazily dipping her hand into the water. It was cold, but not cold enough to be uncomfortable. The strong scent of sea salt was calmly to her as her mind focused only on how the water shifted around her fingers. The soft blue water swished and swayed against the movement of her hand as Eve smiled to herself. She didn't quite know why the water made her happy, but something about it gave her a sense of comfort.

"Hey, Eve," Sinbad spoke up, snapping Eve out of her daze.

"Yes?" She asked, her gaze tearing up from the water as she looked into his eyes.

"I... wanted to ask you something..." he started hesitantly.

Eve pulled her arm from the water and sat up, her head tilting out of curiosity. "What is it?"

"Back at the port, when you were fighting the princess... how did you move around like that? And how did you keep disappearing?" Sinbad asked, finally looking up at her.

Eve's eyes widened a little before she looked down. She wasn't exactly surprised about his question, she figured it'd come up eventually anyway, but she wasn't exactly sure how to answer it. Was honesty the best way to go here? How would someone even react to that? Hey, yeah so I got hit by a car and basically died, but then I got sent to another world as a ghost to help someone I don't even know! Eve internally groaned while she contemplated her options. After only a moments hesitation, she decided to just tell the truth. She was never really one for lying and it's not like she had many other options. Besides, he was the only one in this world that she really trusted.

"Oh... that...." Eve started before sighing. Might as well, she thought. "It's a bit of a crazy story to think about, but I promise it's true. You won't judge me or call me crazy of anything, right?" 

Sinbad looked at her, a more serious expression on his face now. "I wouldn't dream of it."

"Okay... I was in an accident. While I was in surgery to try and save my life, my heart stopped several times. The doctors managed to find ways to bring me back just in time, but... the accident took its toll and I ended up in a coma..." Eve spoke softly while her gaze was fixed on the floor.

Sinbad remained quiet, his eyes widened slightly, but no words came from him. Eve took a deep breath before continuing. Something about actually saying what happened only made it feel more real. Part of her wanted to stay quiet, to shut out the memories of that night and bury them deep in her mind so she'd never have to think of them again, but she knew that would only make things worse. She'd have to deal with the truth eventually, better to just get it over with.

"Somehow, during one of the times my heart stopped, by conscious separated from my body, and I ended up in this weird void," Eve started, trying to find a way to describe that awful place. "It was cold and dark there... But someone came to me while I was in the void..."

"Who was it?" Sinbad asked.

"It was Yunan. He told me that I had a choice; either stay in that void alone and hope my body heals enough for my conscious to go back and I'd be able wake up, which might never happen..." Eve trailed off.

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