5. White Ashes

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Eve felt her eyes flutter open as she looked around. She had to blink a few times to make sure her eyes were open before she turned her head to look around. She sat up and only saw darkness. She felt the ground the was sitting on and her hand slipped right through.

Eve gasped as she tried to feel the floor again, but she only felt cold air. She carefully stood up, pressing her foot against the ground for a moment before deciding that it must've been safe enough to walk on, seeing as how she hadn't fallen through the ground yet.

The room was cold, cooler than any room she might've been in. She tried to think of a room that might've been colder than this, but even the cold room from an old museum she visited paled in comparison. Her hands instinctively grasped at her arms to try and warm up a little bit, but it didn't help much.

Eve closed her eyes and tried to think of how she'd gotten there. As soon as she did, she wished she hadn't. Flashbacks of her argument with Zoe creeped into her mind as Eve shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Her eyes widened at the sudden memory of headlights. 

Eve knew that there was no way she could've dodged that car, especially not from that close, so...

"Am I... dead?" She bought aloud, almost startled by her own voice. Eve listened to the echo of her voice. The echo carried on for much longer than Eve felt comfortable with. She rubbed her arms again, trying to gain a little bit of comfort as the thought of her actually being dead set in.

Eve looked around, trying to keep her composure. Even though every part of her body was screaming at her to worry, be scared, freak out... Eve refused to panic. As much as she wanted be scared, she knew that whatever this place was, it was not the place to allow herself to be vulnerable.

Eve scanned the area to her left, seeing nothing but more darkness, before turning to her head to the right. Eve squinted her eyes, trying to make out if what she was seeing was real or not, but she saw a dim light in the distance.

Eve wasn't sure whether or not she should approach the strange light, but one look to the left and the sight of pure nothingness made her reconsider. With a cautious first step, Eve began moving towards the mysterious light, careful not to get too close.

As the moved closer to the light, she began to hear a woman crying. Eve raised a brow at this and listened to the woman begin blabbering before her eyes widened at the familiarity of the voice. Eve furrowed her brows in confusion and skepticism.

Soon enough, a circular portal of some sort appeared before Eve with a soft yellow light spilling out from it. Eve walked up to the edge of the portal and looked in. She barely noticed her mouth opening and her eyes widening at the sight before her.

It was a hospital room. Someone was laying on the bed, heavy bandages wrapped around her head along with an array of cloths and bandages coating her legs and parts of her arms. A machine beeped quietly in the background next to her bed, its screen displaying a moving green line going up and down. There seemed to be other monitoring machines in the room as well, but what really caught Eve's attention was the woman sitting in the chair next to her bed and the man holding her shoulder. 

It would be impossible for Eve to forget the woman's classic dyed blonde hair and expensive taste in clothing. The designer bags and purses sitting next to the chair was more than enough for Eve to tell who this woman was, much to her dismay. Eve's mother sat in the chair, holding up tissues to her eyes as the man behind her held her shoulder, not crying, but trying to comfort the woman, also know as Eve's father.

Something came to Eve's mind as she watched her parents cry in the hospital room. She squinted her eyes to try and see who the person in the hospital bed was. Her eyes widened in horror at the realization of the person's identity.

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