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Walking through the main door, Ava gets inside the club. Holding her phone tightly in her left hand, she almost rans in, the blasting music added with dim lights made it more difficult for her to look for the person she was actually there for. Scanning her eyes all over the room, she finds a familiar face, he waved his hand towards her and they both approach towards eachother. "Where is she?" Ava asked pantingly. "Where she could be?" "Don't tell me!" "Yes, I am telling you!" "Aishhh!" Ava stomps and runs towards the bar. And as expected, she stops a few steps away from the counter as saw the person she was looking for.


Sitting on the stool leaning at the counter, holding a glass of shot in her hand, Y/N was smiling ear to ear looking at the bartender. Crossing her arms around her chest, Ava huffs and slowly walks towards her bestie Y/N and takes the glass from her hand."Y/N." "Ahhh... bestie!" Y/N approached her hands towards Ava and pulls her in. "What are you doing Y/N?" Ava said while sniffing the glass. "Don't you see!...I am-" Y/N said in slurring tone and continued again turning her head towards the bartender and said while smiling "having a drink!"
"I know you are not drunk!" Ava said making a bitch face. "Yah! for atleast once can't you just play along!" Y/N diverted her gaze towards Ava and replied annoyingly in an instant in an all sobered up tone as if she was not wasted the moment before.  "Then you should have used vodka in that glass instead of the way what was the problem this time?" Ava questions while settling herself up on the stool next to Y/N.  "He was just not my type." "And why is that?" "Here's the thing...last night I ordered chicken ok-" "Ok..." "And he loves leg pieces." "Hmm.." "But he gave me the leg piece coz that's my favourite!" "So? that a good thing right?" Ava asks confusingly.


"Noo! See! That's the problem!...this was ment to be just a fling, but now he's acting different and you know that I'm not up for a relationship!" "No I don't! Why? What's the reason?" Ava questioned crossing her arms. Y/N ignored her question and turned her face to the other side while taking a sip from her glass of water. Ava exhales and while keeping her hand on Y/N's shoulder speaks softly "Three years Y/N. Three freaking long are you going to be in this 'no attachment' mode of yours?...I can't wai-" "What the hell!" Y/N cuts her off while looking at her phone's screen which lights up with two messages notifications, the first one from her sister and the second one from an unknown number. The first one brings out that reaction from her.


"What? What happened?" Ava asked. "I think today today I really need to have a drink!" Y/N exclaimed in joy and ordered two drinks. "No you can't! You know naa that you can't handle just a single glass and on top of that tomorrow is the first class of our last year in college, so we can't take risk!" Ava retorted and cancelled the order but Y/N ordered them again and this time Ava didn't stopped Y/N as Y/N informed her about the reason, which was Ninni's marriage, Y/N's elder sister. "What! Seriously?" Ava gasped. "Yes! And so I need a drink to digest this news!" Y/N says while hand fanning. "Who's the groom? You know him?" Ava asked curiously. " She didn't mentioned that musch about him...I just know that she meet him two years back during some business trip or something-" "Ahhh! Now what am I going to do?" Y/N's expression changes and starts biting her lower lip as she remembers somthing...the most importantly point.


Next Day

Throwing her almost empty bag on her seat, Y/N rushes to Ava. "What is this?" She questioned Ava showing the number of messages she recieved in last ten hours, and almost everyone was same which says 'I'm intersted' followed by typical measurements, hobbies, etc type of biodata added with pictures. "Why are you asking me?... remember last night, after you got drunk, you posted a message on the students group. I tired to stop you? But you-" "Aaahhhhh...shit! shit!-" Y/N covers her face with her palms as she remembers that last night being under the influence of alcohol and from the pressure to not get embarrassed by her family for not bringing her partner to her sister's wedding as Y/N claims that she is in a serious relationship, Y/N posts a desperate kinda message to the students group that she wants to hire a fake boyfriend, she'll pay a hefty amount for that and for further details intrested candidates can DM her their bio and picture.


Tapping on the delete button of her phone, Y/N finally  deletes the last picture she recieved after cancelling each and everyone's proposal, clearing the mistake she did. "My fingers are freezed!" Y/N speaks up as she was sitting in the cafeteria with Ava and other friends.  "'s painful." She further adds while opening and closing her fist continuously when someone approaches her. She was looking at her hand when he speaks. "Excuse me? I'm new here I-" "To the left then take a right, pass the corridor and left you'll get the principal's office." She says still look at her hand. "Thanks but...actually I saw your post on the group-" "Aahh..about that I'm sorry but it-"


She rises up to see the face of the person she was speaking to. At first she thought to say the truth that it was a mistake, but when she saw his face, hair down, pink lips, doe eyes covered with specs with black frame, he was looking cute and so she decides to have a little fun. "I'm sory but it's not for are not my type...sorry buddy!" "But why?...just give me one chance...if you don't like this I can change and become your type... I'm in an urgent need of money please!" He almost begged. "Ummm...ok! give me your phone." She types somthing in it. "Meet me here tonight at eleven and we'll decide after that."


"Where are you?" He asked over the phone call and ends the call when someone taps on his shoulder. He turns and there stands the person he was looking for. It was a crowded place, people were screaming looking towards the boxing ring as the person on the stage speaks "So who wants to challenge this man...come on let's see who's the real man!" And people screams again. "Why are we here?" He asks Y/N confusingly.


"You see... I love men who can fight, they are so my type. So..." Y/N leans towards him and whispers "If you want to win the deal, beat no let me make it easy for you...just one punch will also do." She smirks. "Okay cool!" He says casually making her astonish and rised his hand up in the air, he screams "I will!...I will challenge him!" He takes off the jacket and says "Just keep your promise and I have another condition too!" "What?" This time he leans towards Y/N and whispers in her ear "If I win... you'll let me stay with you!" "Done! Deal!" She agrees in a sec and he rans towards the ring. "Atleast remove your glasses!" She screams towards him. "I can't see without them!" He turns back and replies. She smirks confident and he too.


Here comes the end of first chapter. Hope it's not that bad.

English is not my first language so please ignore my grammatical mistakes and other errors.

Looking For My Shawty// Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now