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Standing infront of the full length mirror, Jungkook was fixing his necktie when someone calls out for him and he shouts back that he'll be there in ten minute, despite of the fact that he was perfectly ready to go. He was stalling time as it was the D-Day, the wedding day of him with Y/N and Ninni with his brother Soo-Min, the day of result for all the planning, acting they did for past few days. Jungkook took his phone and double tapped on it to light up the screen only to meet disappointed as he was expecting a particular notification. With each passing second, the tension inside him grew a bigger and bigger and while biting his fingernails, he checks his phone again, again and again. And after sixth attempt, there was a notification and he immediately sneaks out of his room through the balcony and escaping from everyone's eyes, he rans towards Y/N's room,  where she was getting ready.


Days back


After replying that number, Y/N instantly texts Jungkook. Jungkook's phone buzzes again and he finally opens the message. Y/N asked him to meet her at the backyard of their house at three when everybody's asleep.


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Y/N was walking back-and-forth in backyard. The night was really dark and she somewhat felt afraid. She crossed her fingers, closed her eyes and starts walking again while chanting God's name when she bumps into something and she  flinches as she feels a pair of hands holding her arms tightly. She didn't open her eyes, instead she starts chanting more loudly resulting the person to shake her "Y/N." He said "Oh! It's you!...I thoug- YOU ARE LATE!" She jerks his hands off and crosses her arms.


"Ac-actually I wa-" he tried to reply but stopped as Y/N says "Whatever excuse you have, I don't wanna know that. So let me get straight to the point..." She stopps, takes a deep breath and continues "It's enough! You both had enough fun! Now let's stop all this, both you and I and Ninni and Soo-Min or else things are not going to end up well. And I don't wanna play dirty." "Fun?...we both?...what are you talking about?" Jungkook was clueless. "Yes! Fun, fun for you both brothers!...I know that your brother is only marrying my sister only out of his guild for what he did three years back! But nooo! Thankyou we don't want this consolation prize...my Ninni have her family to take care of her. So tell your brother that I'm holding myself from not revealing the truth cause that will hurt my sister. But if he doesn't breaks off this wedding. Then I got no other choic-"


"Hey hey hey! You are mistake-" "No I'm no-" Y/N tries to pickup at him but instead Jungkook shuts her up with his intimidating gaze as he walks closer looking into her eyes. "Enough!  Now this time I'll speak and you'll listen! First of all, I don't know what the hell kind of a story you're cooking up in your head. But let me clear you one thing! My Brother Is Not Guilty Of Any Thing! So Why Would He Marry Your Sister As A Consolation Prize!...He loves her and she loves him too and that's why they are getting married...don't you see the happiness in your sister's eyes when she talks about her marriage? Oh! Sorry! Why would you afterall you were busy judging people on the basis of half truth! Isn't it?" Jungkook's words pierced through Y/N's heard and her eyes becomes watery which made Jungkook to soften his voice and he exhales deeply before continuing. "I don't wanna be rude Y/N. But I have know Soo-Min for few years now and from the experience of these years I can say that he's not the type to harm anybody...you have known him since childhood, you tell me, do you really think that he can do such a thing, infact to his best friend?" "But he didn't try to explai-" "You never gave me the chance!" They were interrupted by another voice and they turned their head to see its owner, Soo-Min, it was him. He walks towards them and joins them.

Looking For My Shawty// Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now