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"Aaahhh!.." Jungkook screams while slurring in his drool and wipes off his mouth with the back of his palm. "Huh? What happened?" Stretching his eyes, trying to keep them wide open, he asked while keeping his hand on his head. Y/N just ignored him and took her phone, she saw there was another message back from that previous unknown number. At first she thought of just to ignore it but then to dodge jungkook's  'huh? What happened?' and other upcoming questions, she opened the message.


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The message gave a stinking feeling to her for a sec, as some flash form her past appears infront of her eyes, she  pushes those flashes away and replies casually considering it as a prank from her bestie.


Y/N closes her phone scree as she notices Jungkook getting up form his side and walking towards the bedroom. "Where?...wher are you going?" Y/N questioned and Jungkook stopped in his tracks but he didn't turned back and replied without turning back. "To sleep!" "Okay! But why are you going towards my bedroom?" Y/N questioned. He smirks before replying "To work out!...obvio to sleep know, people needs bed to lay down and sleep...and i don't see any bed in this room!" Jungkook said while crossing his arms and smirks looking towards the reflection of Y/N on the now all black tv screen.


"Ooo so you wanna use my bed." He turns towards his back when her hears Y/N voice, she starts slowly walking towards him. He took few steps backward as she keeps on getting close to him and when his back was about to hit the bedroom door, he turns in such a way that their positions got switched and now Y/N's back is about to hit the door. "What are you trying to do Y/N? What do you want?" He asked raising an eyebrow and leans towards her face and keeps his hands on the door frame, caging her in between. Circling her right index finger on the yellow fabric covering his chest, her left hand was behind her back when she speaks  "I...wanna... sleep..." She stopps for few secs and continues again.


"In my bed...alone." And with the fraction of a sec she opens the door and closes it on his face and locks it. "Hey! That's not fair!" "Everything is fair between employer and employee!" She starts laughing. Her phone again dings with message notification, but this time she ignores it and continues to laugh.


Next Day


Moving her hand all across the other side of her bed to find her phone, she drags it near her face and sits up straight. "Oh shit! I'm late!" but soon reality hits her abd she remembers that she's not going to college today apparently cause her 'forcefully hired boyfriend' needs to go shopping. 


She opens the door of her bedroom and pops her head out, turs her head left and right. And after confirming that there's no one, she walks out while roaming her eyes all over the room, she goes to the kitchen still looking here and there again and again and finally makes her own assumption that 'maybe he backed out finally realising that this was not a good idea...well good for me!' A bright smile appears on her face and out of joy, she turns on the music player and plays her favourite banger in full volume and starts singing along while dancing in it. After few mins she gets tired and so she takes out a bottle of cold water from the fridge and chuggs down some water and chokes on it when she notices a pair of eyes staring at her from behind the kitchen island. She screams resulting him to scream too. "Why are you hiding here?" She questions him while scanning his sitting posture from top to bottom while giving him a wired type of expression. He gets up and  she scans him from top to bottom again getting a proper full view of him as he was wearing jeans and only a kitchen apron on the the upper half of his body. She took a break of few secs before speaking "Wh-why are you wearing this?... where's my t-shirt?" Y/N questioned.

Looking For My Shawty// Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now