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"That's a great news!... I'm soo happy for you!...just imagine two sisters, two brothers getting married on the same day! Aaahhhh God! I'm so excited!" Ninni exclaimed with joy flashing all her teeth and squeezes Y/N taking Y/N into her arms. "We have to do so much work...your wedding dress!...what we gonna do about your wedding dress?...how we gonna get it prepared in such a short time?" Ninni further questions pinching her forehead and replies herself "Oooo- you're going to wear Mom's wedding dresse right? See I remember you saying that when we're in school." "Oh! ho ho ho! You remembered that?" Y/N's Mom asked. "Obviously! That time she didn't even let me touch your dress and to try it?...huh! It was unicorn to me!" Ninni replies rolling her eyes. "Okay okay! I understand all of that. But before that...yeobo! don't you think that we need their opinion...if ther really want to get married in future or not." Y/N's Mom insists noticing the series expression on your face you were changing with Jungkook.


All the eyes present in the whole room moves their attention to Jungkook to Y/N vise verse, waiting for their reply. "What say Y/N?...you two were planning to get married in later future right?" Y/N's Dad asked for her opinion and now Jungkook too  fixed his eyes on Y/N expecting her to say no as that's the truth and she herself called off their contract plus lying about getting married doesn't feels right. So yeh he expected her to say no but instead she said "Ofcourse Dad! Otherwise why would I bring him to Eonni's wedding though later he turned out to be the brother of the groom." "Brava! See, she's not having any second thoughts!" Y/N's Dad said looking towards her Mom. "And what's the problem in doing things advanced anyhow they were going to get married we'll just save a hefty amount if they does that now..that's the only difference. Isn't it Y/N? We should save money right?"


Her Dad further states resulting everyone laugh at his statement except Jungkook, he sat there like a statue, his eyes were fixed on Y/N's laughing face as he wasn't able to figure out what was cooking inside the head of that laughing face which apparently seems cute but this is not the time to admire cuteness and so he moves his stare when Ninni speaks up "Dad! Stop it! See Jungkook's getting offended... don't worry Jungkook Dad was just joking. He never did partiality between us, infact Y/N's his favo-" "No! No! I was not-" "Then what's with those looks yout bothe exchanged?...you don't wanna marry Y/N? You can tell me if you want to pull out now." "Um-m" a lump appears on Jungkook's throat and he gulps down it. "Eonni! Stop it! Don't pull his leg!" Y/N said to stop Ninni's interogation. She sounded pretty harsh. "Okay! Okay!...calm down. No more questions from me." Ninni makes a gesture of zipping up her mouth.


Then begins a series of silence in the room for atleast twenty minutes untill Y/N's Mom breaks it. "Now since we're on the topic, I am curious about something Jungkook..." she says looking towards Jungkook "Why didn't you told Y/N that your brother's getting married with Ninni, I mean, I am sure that your brother informed you about his marriage..." She continues. Umm..." he take almost a minute to come up with something and finally answers that his brother do showed him a picture of Ninni and when in Y/N's house he saw Ninni's picture, he figured out their relationship... but he wanted to surprise Y/N so...but now he regrets doing that as the events of last night was not at all pleasurable. "Don't be sad. Let bygone be bygone!" Ninni cheers him up as he sounded sad. She then leans towards him as he was seating right next to her and whispers in his ears which made him blush. "Andd ifff...you are that much sad about it then you better make it up to her in the wedding night...if you know, you know ;)"


Hearing that Jungkook immediately covers his face with his hand and before he could react any further, Ninni further says acting all innocent "yah! I was talking about Mom's wedding dresse, it's zipper us really tight and one alone can't unzip it alone!" They both giggles at her statement which didn't go unnoticed by Y/N and she reacts "What's so funny you two are talking about?" she asks. "That's a secret between brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Jeon family thing you know..." Ninni's reply made them all laugh except for Y/N who crosses her arms and after giving bombastic side eye to Ninni which she definitely ignored, Y/N pouts "You're not a Jeon! You still have few days!" she stomped and walks out only for everybody to end up laugh a little more at her behaviour. After that they continued their conversation.

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