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Squinting her eyes, adjusting to the brightness of light in the room. Y/N wakes up and tries to sit up. "Oh you woke up...how are you feeling now?" Ava asked and helped her to sit up. "Better." Y/N shook her head. "You sat beside me the whole night?" Y/N questions while getting off from her bed. She took a rubber band and tied her hair up and stood infront if the bathroom door, holding the door knob waiting for Ava's reply, to which Ava just 'hummed' in reply. "So-" Y/N was about to say something to Ava when there was knocking on her door. "I'll open it. You go." Ava goes to attend the person on the other side of the door and Y/N goes inside the bathroom.


Closing the door behind, drying her hair with a dry towel, walking inside the room, Y/N saw Ninni sitting on the bed with a tray of breakfast kept infront of her. "I brought you breakfast!" Ninni said. "Umm... thankyou...Ava?"  Y/N asked while looking for Ava as she was there few minutes back. "Mrs. Lee called her." Ninni replies. "Oh..." Tossing off that wet towel on the edge of her bed and sats beside Ninni ssing off that wet towel on the edge of her bed and sats beside Ninni and took a spoon full of food in her mouth. The sweet flavour of melting food after almost an empty stomach for twelve hours made the food even more better "Ummmm...this is the best!" And Y/N moans clearing the last spoon filled with food. A bright smile appears on her face resulting Ninni to hug her tightly.


"You know how worried we got when Jungkook came holding an unconscious you in his arms!...and on top of that blood was oozing out from your feet!...I-I thought-" she starts crying and her grip around Y/N tights a bit more.


Few hours back


Jungkook was left alone in that room with an unconscious Y/N in his arms and the only companion he had was the silence and darkness. He tries to wake up Y/N by calling her name a few more time but of no use as she doesn't replies and with each passing moment the fear in him grows up little bit more. He decides to call for help but to his bad there was no network in his phone plus the battery was low and as for Y/N's phone, it was broken as it fell off from her hand when she was throwing one of the wine bottle. "Y/N, just hold a little bit  I'll do something...just a little bit..." Jungkook says realises that no one's coming for their help and he have to do something. He moved the flashlight of his phone from one point if the room to the other to find something which can help him to open the door, but again what can you find in a wine cellar apart from wooden boxes. He decides to open the door from the outside and for that he have to break the little glass decorations on the door, the  portion which is  near the door knob. With the tird puch, Jungkook breaks that glass pieces and opens the door with a bruised and bleeding knuckles and picking up Y/N in his arms, he rans towards the place where everyone was present.


Present time


Y/N tries to stop her "Shhh... don't cry!..see I'm absolutely fine!..see!" She breaks the hug and wipes off the tear drops from Ninni's face. "Otherwise people will blam me for making the bride walk on the aisle with swollen eyes! I already spoiled the dinner! Gosh! Your mother in law is going to say 'The sister of my daughter in law is such a nuisance...like seriously she's such a party pooper!' so I can't afford to spoil my image any more! Don't cry-" Y/N says dramatically while making faces and hand gestures. "Yah! You didn't spoil anything and you know Mrs. Jeon is not like tha-" "Nooo! I don't know Mrs. Jeon... I know Ms. Kim and that was way too long before. People changes and now she's Mrs. Jeon soo..." Y/N says in her defence. "Han! Han! way too before!" Ninni says while air coating 'way to before.' "It's only three years!" She further adds making a stern face. "Yeh three years! 365 multiplied by 3... 1,3,6...God! It's a lot! I can't count!" Y/N replies dramatically resulting Ninni to slightly punch on Y/N's arm.


"Now seriously, tell me Y/N what was the reason that you had such an attack after so many years?...or is it because of Soo Min?" Hearing Ninni's words, Y/N gets up from her seat and makes her way towards the balcony as if she was trying to avoid the topic. On her way she hisses with pain on her feet due to the cut she got from the previous night. "You okay?" Ninni said following Y/N to the balcony. "Absolutely! It's just that I won't be able to wear those brand new heels on your wedding day. Now that's bad!" Y/N said poutingly to which reacted Ninni gave her a 'seriously!' kinda look for a good amount of few secs and turns her head to the view infront of them.


""I told him to take some rest! To go and get some sleep. but look at him!..." Ninni says looking down at the yard where Jungkook was playing with some kids, running around the whole area. "Huh?...what?...who are you talking about?" Y/N asked looking at the place Ninni was looking. "Jungkook or who else it would be!?... tomorrow he got so much panicked about your condition that he didn't left you for an single second. I even insisted him that we should do shifts...but no! he just...so in the morning I forcefully sent him to take some rest afterall his pulled an all night and his body needs some rest and so I asked Ava to seat beside you and went to take your breakfast...but now look at him! he's playing with those kids." Ninni replies making Y/N confused.


"So, you're telling me that Jungkook stayed here with me- no no no I mean he sat there the whole night?" "Yes!" "I thought...nevermind-" "And you know when I came here in the morning, he was sleeping while sitting on that stool, resting his head on the edge of the bed and was even mumbling something but still he didn't left your hand. His grip was tight that your hand became red when he left you! Guess my Y/N found her soulmate..he he!"  Ninni elbows Y/N with a mischievous smile and lefts from there when her phone rings and her Mom calls out for her. But before going, she says to Y/N. "We are not done talking yet. Will continue this later. But before that most important we're going to buy a new phone for you and befor before that you're going to take a tetanus shot okay!...so first finish your breakfast, get ready and meet me downstairs in-" Ninni took a look at her wrist watch and continued "One hour okay!"


Y/N's expression changes hearing the name of injection and she behaves like a small five years old "Tetanus!...no no there's no need of any injection...see I'm absolutely fine, the cut wasn't that deep. Trust me I don't need any tetanus shot-" Y/N tries to continue her excuses but Ninni shuts her up avoiding all her babbling and lefts there. "Your time starts now!"


Time Skip


Y/N slowly opens the door of her room and peeps out her head, wishing for not being noticed by any one especially from Ninni, who's waiting for her on the big living hall downstairs. Y/N somehow manages to escapes from there and comes out of the building, carrying her shoes in one hand she almost runs from there in her toes and stops at the parking lot when she realises that in her hurry to escape, she forget to take her car keys. But to her luck, when she hears a pair of fool steps approaching towards her. She founds out a car which was unlocked and she hids inside it in the backseat, thinking that later she would get out of it. But she didn't gets the chance as the person she was hiding from hops inside that car and starts driving.


Looking For My Shawty// Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now