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Someone clicked their picture. They both turned their head towards the intruder, which turns out none other than Ava, she was holding a camera still focused towards them "Hello love birds...smileee!" She clicks the camera shutter while both Y/N and Jungkook covers their faces with hands showing their disapproval of Ava capturing them together.


"Hey! Don't...Stop clicking our pictures!" Jungkook says as they both walks towards Ava "Delete those pictures!" He snatches the camera from her hand. "Yah! Give it bac-" Ava tries to take it back when Y/N stops her "Ava, you know naa it's all fake then why are you doing this-" Y/N said sounding very low. "I was just tryna help convinc-" Ava pouted but her tone and expression changes when she noticed Y/N's eyes, they were swollen. "You cried?" She questioned getting concerned. "No I didn't!" Y/N denied and looked the other way avoiding further eye contact. "Then why your eyes are swollen?...just tell me who made you cry...I swear I'll-" she was furious. "Wait...did Jungkook do this to you? He said something?" She further adds to her statement.


"How dare you make my Y/N cry!" Ava picks up at Jungkook and held him by his collar and started hitting him with her fist, though it didn't hurt him that much but still she didn't give him a chance to clear the misunderstanding she was having and she continued talking compulsively untill Y/N shouted and stopped her. "I told him about that day!" she started crying again and in an instant Ava hugged her tightly and while rubbing her hand slowly on Y/N's back, consoling, trying to stop her crying "'s okay, it's okay, it's okay Y/N...what happened that day was not your was just an accident...hmm-" "It was just an accident." Y/N repeats after Ava. "Yes!...let bygone be bygone...we should be happy not that she's healthy back again and getting married right?" Y/N just hummed in reply. "And monst importantly stop crying if you don't want your eyes to get swollen and look like swollen raisins on top of icecream in that yellow dress tonight." "Yah!" Y/N slapped Ava's lights and laughs a little. "See you look so pretty while smiling." Ava commented and continued "Now come on let's go everybody is waiting for us downstairs and.... I'm sorry for hitting you." She apologizes to Jungkook in low voice.


Evening, At the family dinner.


Both the dinners were planned to happen under open sky, but due to the assumption of light rainfall, everything was shifted inside into the dinning room, which made Y/N and Jungkook face a lot more number of questions than their expectation. As the dining room is obviously comparingly smaller than the backyard and they all had to seat opposite to eachother so, there was no chance of escaping or dodging and questions as it's very risky. "Ladies and gentlemen, this is Jungkook, the one I was talking about in our WhatsApp family group-" an 'ooo' sound echoed from the whole room and everybody kept staring at Jungkook as if he's the eighth wonder, which made him shy and Y/N embarassed of her big family. "So Jungkook how did you two meet?" Ninni questioned. And here the trouble begins.


'But no,  no problem...we did our homework...bring it on!' They thought and looked towards eachother while exchange smiles as they are ready to shot home run in each and every ball.It so happened that...


Flashback, two days before.


Knocking on the bathroom door. "Jungkook. Jungkook. Come out quickly we got some important things to discuss." Y/N says while knowing continuously on the bathroom door. "Just five minutes!" Jungkook screams from the other side of the door. "Who the hell is dieng that you are in so much hurry!... didn't even do my shampoo properly!" Jungkook almost screamed while walking out of the bathroom and goes straight to the living room as he saw Y/N was standing there. He was wearing just a towel while he approached towards Y/N, but soon runs back inside when he notices Ava sitting on the sofa. "Why did you went back inside? Aren't you done yet?" Y/N screamed as she turned back realising that he went back inside the bathroom though he was behind her the moment before and was about to scream more whan Ava stopped her "He ran seeing me here-" "Huh? He ran?" Y/N asked being confused. "He was just wearing a towel!" Ava answered and they both has a laugh. "Ok ok take your time but come fast." Y/N screams again looking towards the bathroom door.


Jungkook comes out after a few minutes, he saw Y/N and Ava in the living room, they were waiting for him to come and join them. "What's the matter?" He asked. "The matter is that in two days we are going to be there  and you don't know a thing about the kind of people you are going to face, the type of questions they are going to ask with the expectation of getting the same answers from us, which is obviously natural, we have to be on the same page Jungkook and that's why you have to know certain things." Y/N said abd Ava instantly gets up from her side of the sofa and drags out a small white board from somewhere. "And that's why we are having this 'how to become genuine' class today." Ava said and writes the title on the board with marker. And the class begins.


"One, know the family membe-" "Oh, that's easy...I already know that. Y/N's family consists of a total of four members, she, her Mom, Dad and Sister Ninni, right?" Jungkook answered quickly cutting Ava in between her sentence. "No, wrong. She have a big joint family, her, her Mom, Dad, Sister, two uncles, one married and one unmarried, the married one have one daughter and one son, they both are older than her and married and among them the Son have a daughter of four years." Ava says and Jungkook mouthed an "oooo" in reply and after that both Y/N and Ava informed him some more about the type of people they actually are.


"Now, the most important one, we need to cook up a convincing story for everyone to believe our relationship... so, what's your idea?" Y/N said and waits for Jungkook to reply. " at first sight...what say? saw me in college campus, playing basketball and that was it for you-" Jungkook suggested "I don't watch basketball!" "Then any other sports?" "I hate sports!" "Then you suggest a better option." Jungkook said while crossing his arms. " about we take some ideas from some kdramas?" Y/N suggested and they all saw some clips from different dramas but ended up deciding on none and finally Ava suggested the perfect one for them. "Let's go with the original one, will make some little changes and take the rest of the idea from the drama clips we watched."


End of flashback


The rest of the evening went perfectly without and hustle or trouble as they faces all the questions and passes the exam with flying colours.


Next day, evening at the dinner between the bride's and groom's family 


Y/N was busy discussing something with Jungkook, when her Dad called her name to get both her and Jungkook's attention and signed them to go near him and when they did, they saw another man of same age like Y/N's Dad was sitting there. Both the men gets up from their seats as they saw Y/N and Jungkook standing infront of them and after that Y/N's Dad tries to introduces Y/Nand Jungkook to that man. "Y/N, this is Mr. Jeon, your sister's would-be father-in-law-dabce kar rahi  Y/N bowed to him. "Mr. Jeon, this is my second daughter Y/N" and that man smiled at her. "Now, Mr. Jeon this is-" Y/N's Dad was going to introduce Jungkook to him but was cut off in between when Mr. Jeon speaks up.


"-Mr. Jeon Jungkook, my son."

Looking For My Shawty// Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now