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"Awwww my baby!" Y/N's Mom gives her a tight hug followed by her Dad and Sister. "I missed you so much! You should atleast be coming one week before everyone! What took you so long to come huh?" Y/N's- sister Ninni questions Y/N. "This big gift of yours." She said pointing towards Jungkook. "My gift?" "Yes, your gift! Infact for the whole family!" Y/N answers casually resulting all of them to look at her  confusingly. "Why you all are looking at me like this... Mom! you didn't informed them about him?...I brought my boyfriend for the first time to meet my family! That too in a big family function A WEDDING! Isn't that a big thing?...A gift-" Y/N stops and takes a look at all of their expressions and adds an "-ish" to end her statement.


They all remain silent for a few secs and Jungkook blinks continuously two-three times trying to process what she just said and was almost lost in it but comes back when her hears Ninni's voice "Yahh! that's cheating!" She seemed angry, but her expression and tone changed when she walks infront of Jungkook "But it's ok!  Jalsaenggyeotta! I like him." She have Jungkook a big ear to ear smile. "You come with me. We need to talk in private." Ninni wraps her arm around Jungkook's and starts walking. "So what spell did you put on Y/N that she tugged you alon-" she wasn't able to finish her sentence as her ankle twists a little and she tripps but Jungkook saves her from falling. "You ok?" "Yeah! Thanks to God and you."


"What happened?" "Are you ok?" "Do you need something?" "I told you to walk slowly what's the rush? Now see!" They all rushed towards them and seemed more concerned about her tripping, which was not usual as people do tripp. What's the big deal? And so being curious Jungkook asked Y/N "what's the matter?" He whispered but if no use as Ninni heard it and before Y/N could shut him up, she replies. "Nothing's just that years back I had an accident and my right foot got badly injured...the doc thought that I wouldn't be able to walk again...sooo...some extra care yk." "Oh sorry I didn't-" "Don't be... it's look like Y/N only mentioned you about the sunny days and missed out the gloom ones abd if you ask me. I would say that's a good thing, bad memor-" "Ok ok now let's go!...we can do this enquiry chit-chat later." She got cut off by her Dad.


At home, evening


After setting up your items in her room, Y/N looked for Jungkook in almost all the guest rooms of her mansion, but he was no where to be found and so she finally texts him.


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Jungkook turned his phone scree off and sitting on the cornish of the terrace while light breez hits his face, some flashes from day before preoccupied his mind and he tries to joint some random dots guessing random relation between Y/N's parcel and her sister Ninni. 




Y/N took that box from Jungkook's hands and opens it walking a bti far from him so that he can't see what inside, "you don't have to do that I'm not looking!" He lefts giving and eyeroll. She gulps down the lump appeared in her throat and opens the box and instantly drops it on the floor and the content in it comes out grabbing Jungkook's attention towards them. "What happened? Are you okay?" He asks getting concerned about the certain change in Y/N's behaviour and tries to walk close to her and help her pick those items on the floor but she instantly stands up and infact harshly shouts at him and rans inside her room while picking up that box and a ballerina shoe which fell out from the box. Jungkook was cluelessly looking at her while she disappears getting inside her room.


The box contained a pair of white ballerina and a note stick on it which mentions a date from past, the date she would never forget in her life. She immediately took her phone and messaged that number.which mentions a date from past, the date she would never forget in her life. She immediately took her phone and messaged that number...


End of flashback


Jungkook's chain of thoughts breaks when he heard someone's footsteps behind him. The person was panting as if they came all the way here to the terrace without taking the elevator. "What took you twenty mins to come here by the elevator?" He questions looking at his phone screen and didn't bother to turn back, look who the person cause he was certain who it was and the next moment, the person's voice confirms his certainty that it was Y/N. "I'm claustrophobic! So no 'elevator' only 'stairs'." She wals and sat beside him.


They remained silent for few minutes, admiring the beautiful view of sunset. "Ab-About your sister's accident-" He hesitates a bit but eventually speaks up rapidly in one go, in one breat. "Does it have anything to do with that parcel you received the other day? You looked very tensed! If yes you can tell me what if I might be of some help I'm-"


"Umm...actually..." Her voice was low and hers eyes became wet as she continues "Three years back Ninni and I use to do balle dance, for me it was a timepass thing, but for her it was her life. And maybe that's the reason she was the best in the whole group and you know naa no matter how much one tries once jealousy gets you there's no going back and so to prove myself I participated in a competition, presenting our group but wasn't confident enough and later backed out at the last moment and so to save the reputation of the group, she went on the stage instead of me and...and..." "And one of the light hanging on the top of the stage falls on her leg in such-" Y/N breaks into tears. "It was destined for me not her! Why did I backed out that day!" She cries while Jungkook tries to console her but stops when they both hears camera shuttering sound. Someone clicked their picture.

Looking For My Shawty// Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now