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She smirks confident and he too. He rans up to the referee and screams informing the referee and others that he wants to challenge that man on the boxing ring and eventually gets inside the ring after some warmup moves. He was still wearing his glasses. The first ten secs spends as both the competitors gave each other glares but eventually after dodging two three punches as Jungkook lets the other person to go first. But once while fixing the position of his glasses, Jungkook recieves one punch on his face and blood starts oozing out from the corner of his lip. He wipes it his thumb, takes a look at it. "Not on mu face!" The opponent chuckles at his statement and throws another fist towards him, which he dodges and smirks before saying "It's my turn now!" and in one punch, he knockouts that man. The place was filled with the voice of crowd cheering for him while Y/N covers up your face realising the effects of the outcomes of this match on Y/N and her coming days in life. The whole crowd was looking towards him and his eyes were on Y/N. She felt that but ignored it as if she did noticed and tried to disappear from their in thin air as if she was never there. And she did. But when she was standing infront of her car, trying to find her car keys in her bag, she felt someone standing behind her.
She turns and the person waves at her giving an ear to ear smile. "Hi!" Jungkook says while smiling. "Hey." 'Shit!' Y/N smiles back awkwardly. "So where are we going? the left or right?" He asked casually while shoving one hand in his pocket and the other holding a bag pack. "Huh?" Y/N asked as she was busy in her thoughts finding an excuse to escape. He walks closer towards her, leans to match her height and whispers in her ear in a seductive tone "Since I'm coming home with you tonight." He instantly pulls back himself and speaks while changing the tone. "So, left or right?" "Huh?" Y/N retorted as heart was pounding when he came closer to her and she zones out at that moment. "I said..." He again starts to lean towards her but this time she stops him by keeping her hand on his chest and slightly pushes him and speaks. "I don't have to do that aga-" she stops as she feels the vibration of her phone in her back pocket and turns giving her back to him. She takes the phone out and sees the caller ID 'Mom'. It was a video call so she rejects the call and shoves her phone back in her pocket and turns towards him to complete her statement. But her phone rings again and she realises that her Mom won't stop calling untill she picks up. She closes her eyes, takes some deep breaths and exhales before speaking to him pointing her index finger towards him warning him. "Don't speak and come infront of the camera... it's my Mom!" She practices a smile and picks up the call.
"Hi Mom!" "Hey han!...why did you cut my call?...oh you're out-" she says looking at Y/N's background which was her car's front as she was sitting on the Bonet. "Yeah...just came out to buy some beer-" "Wait a minute are you with someone?" She asks. "N-no no I'm alone!" Y/N stammers. "Then who is he?" Y/N's mom asks raising one eyebrow as she notices two fingers behind her head making bunny ears. Y/N turns towards her back immediately and... 'Shit!'


"Hi aunty!" Jungkook says while popping his head in the camera frame making Y/N's mom astonished. "Y-you?" She asks half confusingly as she is not sure that he is what she is exactly thinking him as. "I'm Jungkook Y/N's-" he stops, turns his head towards you and continue after two secs and makes a shy face while pushing his glasses up on his nose bridge "Y/N's Boyfriend!"


" Aaahhh!...I see son... don't get any wrong idea about my daughter that she never mentioned about you to us... actually she never showed your picture. The only thing she said was that she loves someone and she have decided that she'll marry him that too three years back and after that she never mentioned about that I thought...anyway you are coming to Ninni's wedding right?...or Y/N yet didn't mentioned about that to you?" "Ha ha ha..Mom! what's the reason for you to call in this unusual time?" You tried to dodge the question but she brings back the topic. "Nothing tell me Jungkook, you are coming right?" "Ummm-" Your Mom was looking towards him and he was towards you.

Looking For My Shawty// Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now