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Two hours before the dinner


Sitting infront of the big mirror, applying her lipstick, Y/N was getting ready for the dinner. "Perfect! Prefect! Yeppo! Yeppo!" She compliments looking at her reflection and blows herself a kiss followed by a wink. She was admiring herself when her phone dings with notification and she stars looking here and there to find her phone which was buried under the pile of clothes she pulled out from her closet while choosing her outfit for the event. "Oh! Found you!" She took her phone out and unlocked it to see the content of the notification. It was a message infact a series of six message from sender....obviously that unknown number!... anyway she opens it.


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"What Fighting!?...this time I'll definitely block you...and you're nobody to say me weather I should apply maskara or not!" She talks to herself while blocking that number and at the end applies another coat of maskara befor going to the party.


Present time

"There's a problem with the lock, so keep the door ajar and the lights get off when the door is locked." The servant said, which as expected Y/N didn't hear and she rushes out of that place. She felt betrayed. Her eyes were filled with tears, just a single blink and they will fall like leaves during autumn season. She opened the door of the wine cellar and was about to pushes harshly to close the door to take out her emotions, but was deprived from that when Jungkook stops the door with one hand.


He pushes the door to open it wide enough for him to slip in, while she tries to close it back with all her strength. "Y/N listening to me!..." He says. "There's nothing to talk!...just go from here!.." Y/N shouts back at him increasing her force but still she wasn't able to close the door and he gets in. His hand was still on the door frame which eventually didn't let the door to close completely and get locked.


Y/N turned and gave her back to him as he was standing right infront of her. She didn't want to break infront of him and facing him at that moment wouldn't help her on that and so she decides to go further inside moving away from him. 
"Just go from here. While I'm being polite to you." Y/N says trying to be calm. "No I'm not going until you hear me out-" "Okay go on." "Huh?" he was dumbfounded 'that was pretty easy!' he thought.


"I said that explain me!..." She stars with a calm voice but eventually looses it by twenty percent in each sentence untill her emotions takes over her and she starts shouting and troughing up things. "Explain me!" She throws her phone. "Explain about how you fooled me!?..." This time she pulls out a bottle of wine and throws it on the floor. "Explain me about how all this time you made me believe that you were on my side but in reality you weren't!?..." Another bottle. "Explain me how you made me approach you to pretend to be my boyfriend in front of my whole family!" Another bottle. "Bravo! You are such a good actor!...terrific!" Y/N clapps slowly.


Y/N was about to pull out another bottle of wine when Jungkook tries to stop her "Y/N just stop it! You'll hurts yourself..." she chuckles and replies "No! I'll not!" She pulls out another bottle of wine from the reck and was about to throw it when she slips and steps on a piece of glass. "Aaahh!" she groans in pain. Jungkook instantly moves his hand from the door and approaches toward her. "Don't! come near me!" She  shows her hand and stops him in halfway. The door was slowly closing behind him and by the time he "No! you're bleeding!" replies and goes to her, the door closes. The lights turns off as the door locks and darkness fills the room. Jungkook stays still in his position trying to figure out what just happened. He calls out Y/N's name a few times while searching for his phone in his pockets untill there was a thud sound and realisation hits him about what that servent said about the door and on top of that Y/N's claustrophobic .


The lights turns off as the door locks and darkness fills the room. Jungkook stays still in his position trying to figure out what just happened. He calls out Y/N's name a few times while searching for his phone in his pockets untill there was a thud sound and realisation hits him about what that servent said about the door and on top of that Y/N's claustrophobic.


He instantly turns on the flash light, only to see that Y/N was sitting on the floor, leaning her head back on the wall, her hand was on her chest, she was panting heavily and it seemed like she was having problems while short, she was having an attack.
Jungkook immediately runs up to Y/N and sits beside her. He cups her face with his hand and pulls her face close to him makeing her to look at his face with half opened eyes. "Y/N! Y/N! look here... look at me!.." Jungkook says while Y/N continues to struggle for air. "I'm here I'm here... everything's gonna be just have to keep on breathin okay-" he says while hugging her and slowly patting on her head. He takes his phone and thought of calling someone, asking for help but unfortunately there was no network. Soon there was no sound of heavy breath from her side.He slowly breaks the hug and sees that she fainted.

Looking For My Shawty// Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now