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"Did you see Y/N?" Ninni asked looking for Y/N as Y/N didn't show up and even she was not in her room. "Where did she go?" Ninni mumbles to herself resting her hands on hip and looked here and dear "I shouldn't have left her alone in the first's not that you don't know how much she's scared of injections!" Ninni  again mumbles realising her mistake and pinches her forehead. "Now find out the needle from the sack of rice! afterall it's your own fault!-" Ninni speaks to herself and was about to continue when a voice distracted her towards them. "You going somewhere?"


It was Jungkook, he asked Ninni that question as he saw in the parking lot, all dolled up, holding her car keys in her hand. "Hmm. But I think the person I was suppose to go stood me up!" "What! Who's that idiot that stood up such a pretty! no! gorgeous company?" "That idiot is your girlfriend! She's hiding from me!... not picking up my calls! not replying my messages! Clearly she's ghosting me! And you know the reason why?" Ninni says crossing her arms. "Umm.. I'm not sure-" Jungkook replies making faces. "Cause I asked her to get a tetanus shot!...infact you need a shot too! Just look at your hand!" Ninni stated looking at the bandage around Jungkook's hand to which Jungkook replies with a "Hmm I'll."


"This is not going to work... You're coming with us and that's final!... Just give me a minute, I'll find Y/N and catch Y/N...after that we-" Ninni wasn't even able to complete her sentence when Jungkook speaks up "No no no I can't come with you-" "Why? Are you afraid of injections too?" "Nooo! Why would I?... afterall I'm not a baby!'s just that I have to run some earned for Mom... anyway, I'll take a shot on my way...bye! And best of luck for your Y/N hunt... I'm rooting for you!" Jungkook says and walks past Ninni. "Okay drive safely and if you see Y/N anywhere let me know right away!" Ninni screams at the moving away figure of Jungkook and in response he shows a thumbs up to her without looking back at her.


Jungkook shoves in the car keys and twists it only to realise that the car was unlocked. He clicked his tongue at his carelessness, hops in and drives away his car. After a silent ride for good of eight minutes "You can get up now." Jungkook says out loud but Y/N ignores his words and pretended that she's still not there but when Jungkook says "Come on Y/N get up! I have already seen your yellow dress peeping out when you hide inside my car." 'shit!' Y/N curses herself. Biting her lower lip and avoiding any eye contact, she slowly sits up on the backseat.


The rest of the ride was silent as all the time Y/N was looking outside through the window and didn't bothered him as obvious from the night before, she was mad at him. She pretended that as if he was not there although he took few looks at her pretty face a few times through the front mirror. 'where is he going?' Y/N thought looking at his back and tried to peep in the navigation. But she was late as by the time she figured out the location, the car was already entering through the main gate with signboard writen 'Homefeel Hospital'. Jungkook gets out of the car and opens the door for Y/N. "I'm not getting out!" Y/N declares. "Ok! As you wish...but I'm gonna lock the car." The fear of being claustrophobic clicks Y/N and she instantly gets out and they both walks inside.claustrophobic clicks Y/N and she instantly gets out and they both walks inside.


"Tetanus injection-" Jungkook said to the receptionist and she gives him a form to fill in. "Um...for two people." "Oh just a minute sir... Here." The receptionist gave him another form and he offers that one to Y/N "Here, fill this on-" "Why would I?... I'm not taking any injection okay! want to take one then go ahead and fill the form but don't you dare to order me! Remember that I hired you!" Y/N retorted. "First you  make the cut and now you want to put ointment on it?... Huh!" Y/N mumbles to herself rolling her eyes. Jungkook didn't say anything instead he took her form, filled up that one too and gave it back to the receptionist. "That room Sir." She pointed towards a door to the end of the corridor. "Thankyou!" He says giving the receptionist a little smile. And asks Y/N to follow him . But Y/N being Y/N, she rejects his asking and as a result, Jungkook picks up Y/N in bridal style and walks straight to that room without caring about the attention they got from all those pairs eyes present there. "Let me down!" Y/N says a lot to times but of no use as Jungkook only stops only when he kept Y/N om the sitting place right infront of the person who was holding the syringe filled with injection. Y/N eyes becomes watery looking at the syringe and a big wate droplet rolls down her cheek as she says "This is not right! You're forcing me!...if I die today you're the one to blame!"


"Shh.. ma'am it will be done in no me you won't feel anything just don't move" the person says "you're lying-gg-g-a-aa-ahh!!"  Y/N screams while digging her nails in Jungkook's hand which she held the moment the syringe was near her skin. Jungkook hisses with pain as Y/N digged her nails the exact place where he injured his hand last night and Y/N instantly releases his hand. Later he too took a shot of tetanus and on their way back home Jungkook picked up a package from a jewelry shop for his mother and called Ninni, informed her that both he and Y/N took tetanus injection and she don't have to worry about that anymore. This whole time too Y/N remained silent.


Time Skip


"Hurry up!...Dad's calling for you!, where this!" Ninni says to Y/N, suddenly barging in Y/N's room and offered her a pretty pastel pink dress resulting Y/N only to look at her confusingly. "But why would I have to get ready like this?" Y/N questions as Ninni starts putting on makeup on Y/N's face. "Cause my in-laws are here for dinner!...wah! You look pretty!" Ninni replies and starts brushing Y/N's hair. "Huh? Bu-But...I didn't get it?" Y/N questions being a little more confused. "Aishhh! You just come down quickly exactly five minutes after I walk away from that door ok!" Ninni instructed her and she only 'humms' in reply.


Y/N walks down exactly after five minutes as her sister's instructions and saw that on the dinning table, everyone sat there, fully decked up 'Oh! I missing out something? there some event which I didn't remember? But as far as I remember, Mom said that we don't have any plans for Tuesday and Wednesday and the engagement is on Thursday!...umm let's see.' Y/N questions her self and walks towards them with a smile on her face. After chit chatting for about an hour, Y/N's Dad gets up from his seat "Ladies and Gentlemen, I  Mr. Y/N's Father's name and Mr. Jeon would like to make an announcement..."


"As you know that our elder kids, Ninni and Soo Min are getting married and now recently by a beautiful coincidence or God's grace, we came to know that our Y/N and Jungkook are in a relationship, both of us have decided to double our happiness by getting Y/N and Jungkook marry in the same dayY/N and Jungkook are in a relationship, both of us have decided to double our happiness by getting Y/N and Jungkook marry in the same dayY/N and Jungkook are in a relationship, both of us have decided to double our happiness by getting Y/N and Jungkook marry in the same day as Ninni and Soo Min but their engagement will be a day early that is on  as goos things shouldn't be kept waiting!"


The whole room filled with the sound of applause and people hugged eachother out of happiness except for Y/N and Jungkook, who sat there looking at eachother with eyes wide open, trying to figure out what they heard was actually going to happen and the lie they said being in love.

Looking For My Shawty// Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now