Chapter 1 - Kazumiya//Confession

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°☆Highschool AU and Childhood friends AU

Yoimiya sighed, barely able to keep her eyes open during class, she was clearly bored, desperately trying to chase away the sleep beginning to creep up on her.

"When will this be over, ugh..." she thought.

Finally the bell rang, the archons had answered her wishes. Yoimiya packed up all her stuff, stood up from her seat and left the class. She thanked the archons she was finally out of that dreaded class. Suddenly her phone dinged, it was a message from Kazuha, her childhood best friend...


Kazu🥰: hey meet me by the water fountain next to your locker, from there we can go eat lunch together :)

Yoimiya smiled at the message and replied with a simple "omw".

She ran down the halls excited to see her best friend, even though they're together most of the time.

Finally she saw him, in the exact spot he said he would be. He had his back turned so Yoimiya decided to call out his name to get his attention.

"Kazu!!" she yelled, not too loud but loud enough for him to hear.

Hearing his name, he turned around and smiled. It was the most handsome smile in the world of Teyvat to Yoimiya, she slowed down her steps trying to calm the raging blush on her cheeks before he actually got a good look at her face.

Yoimiya has always had a crush on Kazuha for as long as she could remember, she always ignored her feelings but the older she got the harder it was to ignore and the harder it was to hide. Every little thing Kazuha did towards her made her flustered or nervous, which made her look like a much bigger idiot than she already was. Most of the time Yoimiya was told by her other friends that her crush on Kazuha was so painfully obvious, it was a miracle he hadn't caught on yet...

"Hey Miya! How was class?" Kazuha asked once she got close enough, though he didn't really need to ask, he already knew what her answer was going to be.

"Boring, as usual" Yoimiya groaned as she rolled her eyes playfully.

Kazuha chuckled as he let her continue on her rambling about how boring her classes were. He found her and her chaotic little antics cute but he's never thought of her in a romantic way, he didn't want to ruin their friendship so he shut all of those thoughts out of his head. Well that's what he did until he found out Yoimiya liked him, she wasn't really good at hiding things from him.

Ever since then he's been trying to find a good way to confess to her, at first he tried what he was good at, poems. He thought telling Yoimiya poems with love confessions hidden in their meanings would get his point across to her but he highly overestimated Yoimiya's intelligence.

To put it simply, Yoimiya didn't get it. He tried making the poems more obvious, flat out telling her the poems were about love but she still didn't get it.

Today, Kazuha wanted to try a more direct approach and just staight up confess to her, since his other rather witty attempts had failed. He was going to have to do it the old fashioned way.

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