Chapter 6 - Yaeyato//A Lovely Date With You

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It was a particularly peaceful night in the nation of eternity, Inazuma. The nation that was ruled by the almighty Shogun.

All the street lights and lights that lit up houses were off, indicating that the citizens of this beautiful nation were asleep while their beloved archon watched over them. Well, everyone was asleep except the occasional few and delinquents who were still up through this tranquil night.

Even the Kamisato estate that was so lively during the day, became a quiet wasteland during the night, almost like not a single soul inhabited the estate. Most of the lights in the estate were off as everyone in it drifted off into a soundful slumber.

However, through a lonely window, a dim light could be seen shining solemnly from the the commissioner Yashiro's room. The lantern however, barely provided any light that could help the commissioner complete his work effectively, in fact it would only damage the man's eye sight. But it's not like he really cared much about his health and well being...

Inside the commissioner's room, sat two figures. One figure, which was the Yashiro commissioner, sat reviewing important paper work in the dangerously dim lighting while the other figure, which seemed to be a female with fox-like ears, cuddled into the other tiredly.

"Yato...can we go to sleep now..." the woman questioned with an exhausted sigh as she shifted her electric irises to gaze up at the commissioner, her eyes seemingly pleading with the man.

Ayato chuckled, "Don't worry, I'll be done soon Yae. Then, we can go to sleep" he reached his hand out for some stray strands of her pink hair, putting the strands back into place.
"y'know, you could just go to bed now and once I'm done I'll join you" he added, still stroking her soft hair.

"Hm no" the kitsune huffed stubbornly before cuddling more into him.

Ayato let out a playful scoff as he continued to gaze down at her, she tended to be extremely clingy at times. But, he couldn't really blame her, the two barely got time to spend with each other due to their busy schedules. So, he could understand why the woman saught to latch onto any moment or alone time they shared together.

And although Ayato never showed it much, he did the exact same thing as well...

"Yato..." Yae called quietly, dragging the man out of his thoughts and grabbing his full attention.


"Can we...uhm-" she hesitated, seemingly nervous to complete her request, causing Ayato's brows to raise in confusion at her uncharacteristic stutter.

"-can we go out on...a date...tomorrow...?" the woman finally requested slowly as she carefully locked eyes with the commissioner.

Ayato's face contorted from confusion to surprise, then it morphed into a warm and genuine smile as he shifted his hand to cup the other's face, gently caressing her cheek

"Of course" he whispered a short reply, still gently caressing her cheek. He leaned down slightly and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

Yae smiled widely, excited to go out on a date and finally get away from all her draining duties with the man she loved. It had been a while since the couple had gone out on a date of any kind.

"Oh, and don't worry about where we're going for the date. It's a surprise~" she assured ecstaticly in a song-like tone.

Ayato chuckled, "I'm excited to see this surprise you've planned~"
he replied, slightly teasing her with his smooth and charming voice.

Yae felt her cheeks heat up, she was grateful that the dim lighting was able to hide her flushed face since the commissioner hadn't noticed it and went back to reviewing documents. If Ayato had noticed her flushed face, he wouldn't let the pink kitsune go without a relentless round of teasing.

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