Chapter 2 - Scaramona//Pregnant

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A/N: Yes, I decided to write another ScaraMona one shot as I had said before cause I didn't like the first one I wrote (so I decided to replace it with this one)

Even my friend didn't like the "angst" one either sooooo whoops😅
I started having second thoughts about the chapter, thinking it was one of my worst.
Anyways, enjoy this fluff chapter (this entire book is practically fluff cause I suck at writing anything sad or smutty rip💀😭)
Also this is an AU where Scaramouche and Mona are married.
Another thing to note is that I've never been married or pregnant in my life so i don't exactly know what happens at the really early stages of pregnancy. You're just gonna have to bare with me lol. But I do know all the basic stuff about pregnancies, after all I'm a girl so kinda have to know about this stuff.

It was around 4pm by the time Scaramouche had finished and returned home from work, he was extremely tired.
He hated work as much as he hated school when he was younger (honestly same).

He heaved out a large sigh as he walked up to his house that he lived in with his wife, Mona.

He dug around in his pockets impatiently, forgetting which one he had put his keys in.

Finally, he pulls out his keys from his pockets and tiredly opens the front door of his home. Once he walked into the living room, he was met with an unusual sight.

The living room was clean and tidy, the place that usually looked like a storm had hit it now looked like a normal and presentable living room.

Well now you may be wondering why Scaramouche expected his living room to be in such a disorganised state. Well, he and Mona were currently redesigning her office which involved him doing all the work while Mona bossed him around, that's how their relationship always worked after all.

In the meantime, Mona was making use of the living room as she thought it was quite comfortable and convenient for her to do all her astrology work. And Mona being the person she was always left the living room a mess, stacks of paper and endless amounts of empty coffee cups just placed on any available surface in the living room.
Scaramouche always wondered how a person could consume so much coffee without getting tired or sick of it...

Scaramouche wandered around the living room, searching for his wife, but he couldn't find her there. Neither could he find her in the kitchen or their barely used dining area, he then proceeded to check all the other likely rooms she could've been in downstairs. It's not like the bottom floor even had a lot of rooms anyways, apart from the office that was being redesigned, a few guest rooms and some other small utilty rooms like the laundry room, there was nothing too interesting downstairs.

After not being able to find her, he flops down on the couch in defeat. He took a glance at the stairs that led to the second floor of the house, he groaned.

"She's probably upstairs...fuck..." he thought as he began getting mentally tired at the mere thought of having to climb all those stairs.

Not willing to climb the stairs in search for her, he decides to call out her name tiredly.

"Mona?!", he wasn't really expecting any answer, he thought there was no way in hell she could actually hear him.

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