Chapter 9 - Rosaeya//Mother Rosa

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°✧*。Content Warnings:
•Slightly graphic depictions of murder
•Mentions of blood and blood sucking
•Obsessive & Possessive behaviour
•One-sided/Unrequited love
•Multiple character deaths (literally all of them die...)

A/N: This is WAY different than what I usually opt to write so in order to avoid triggering someone or landing in some issues (💀😭) I put this in, it's not dark romance levels of bad, but still.
I'm obligated to warn you accordingly whenever I may write on much heavier or graphic topics so you are well-informed and can consider whether you wanna read on or skip.

°Now, let's get on with the story~

Mother Rosa was a strange woman, with skin as pale as snow and deep red hair a similar shade to that of blood. She had a strange way of doing things, an odd way of living her life and rarely spoke unless spoken to.

Sometimes, she'd take long walks out at midnight only to return at the break of dawn. No one knew where she went, what she did nor how she even survived during the night.

Despite all this and a lot more, Mother Rosa was in charge of the town's only church but she was decent at her job, enough for people to excuse her odd behavior and mannerisms.

But curiosity is one of humanity's biggest flaws, as the people of this tiny town couldn't help but wonder why Mother Rosa never left her room during the day. She'd never be seen roaming around when the sun was out, preferring to lock herself up in the confines of her office/room in the church until evening rolled around and the sun retreated back into the horizon. The people couldn't help themselves when it came to gossip and mystery or things that they couldn't just simply explain in general, some speculated she was allergic to the sun because of her unnaturally pale skin while others who were much more wishful guessed she was some sort of nocturnal creature.

As of late, Mother Rosa had fallen into a new normal, a new routine if you will. She was always in her room as usual, but now, at a certain hour in the afternoon, Mother Rosa would leave the church, off to where only she knew. She'd cover every inch of her skin and used a large, delicately embroidered and beautiful black hat to shield her face from the sun.

When she'd first started this, Mother Rosa reminisced as she made her way down the familiar path, she'd gotten many strange and surprised looks as it was rare to see her out and about during the day, looking less miserable than she was before, that's if you could even catch a glimpse of her covered face.

As the woman continued walking, she smiled. A rare occurrence indeed, one that actually became more frequent over the weeks, turned months of this new normal.

Once she arrived at her destination, a small meadow which was rarely known of by other citizens, she quickly located a secluded old bench to sit on while she admired the nature around her.

A few months ago, Mother Rosa could've cared less about it, in fact she would've seen it as a complete and utter waste of time. To her, life was meaningless and there was no point in admiring such meek things. But now she's changed, and it's all his fault─

"Good afternoon Mother Rosa~"

There it was, the smooth saccharine sound of his voice. A sound that Mother Rosa would do anything to hear everyday.

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