Chapter 3 - Xiaoyu//Day Off

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Ganyu had been working hard for the past few days, making her too busy to spend any time with her beloved boyfriend, Xiao.
It's not like Xiao hadn't been busy himself, he had loads of hilichurl camps and domains to clear so once he got home he was out like a light, clearly exhausted from the day's work. Ganyu and Xiao barely spent time with each other or even saw each other awake despite living in the same house.

" have the day off Yu" Ningguang said, not looking up from the paperwork she was signing.

"Really!?" Ganyu said a little too loud, her eyes widened with surprise.

"Yes Yu, really." Ningguang chuckled

"A-are you sure Ning?" she asked, still unsure if she heard Ningguang's words right.

"Ganyu..." Ningguang called, finally looking up from all the paperwork she was signing
" and Keqing have been working really hard these past few days, it's high time you two get some time to spend for yourselves." she smiled at Ganyu before she added,
"And spend time with your respective partners, no?" she winked and chuckled slightly at herself.

Ganyu blushed slightly "O-okay Ning...but what about you?" she asked innocently.

Ningguang tilted her head slightly and looked at her puzzled "What do you mean?"

"I mean..." Ganyu paused, contemplating whether or not she should speak her mind,
"Don't you want to spend time with Zhongli too" she finally explained taking a glance at Ningguang's wedding ring which seemed to glow geo from its core.

Ningguang blushed a little, slightly taken aback by Ganyu's statement.
"Don't worry about me Yu" she smiled "I'll be sure to take time off for myself" she reassured.

Ganyu nodded with a smile and happily left the office.

Once she left Ningguang looked down at her wedding ring as it shined, radiating geo from its core, and smiled

"Of course I'm taking time off for myself Yu, how could I not?" she said to herself, still smiling at the ring on her finger.

Ganyu was walking out, on her way home. She wanted to sleep, she'd be lying to herself if she denied she was exhausted from the past day's work. On her way out she saw her best friend, Keqing, she looked like she was waiting for someone.

"Hey Kq! What're you doing out here?" Ganyu cheered as she walked up to the purple-haired girl.

"Oh! Hey Yu." Keqing smiled, slightly surprised by her friend's sudden appearance.
"I'm waiting for Aether, since I've got the day off Aether suggested we hang out." she explained, not wanting to say it was a date but Ganyu already knew.
Ganyu noticed Keqing's purple dress, it wasn't the same dress she always wore and the light makeup on her face further convinced Ganyu her friend was going on a date.

"Is Paimon tagging along? I don't think she'll enjoy being the third wheel on your date~" Ganyu teased remembering the avalanche of complaints Paimon threw at Lumine the last time she hung out with Keqing and Aether. (Just pretend Lumine found Aether okurrrr or the other way round 😁)

"She's with Lumine." Keqing said as she laughed
"In her own words: PaImoN's nOt gOnnA hAnG ArOunD YoUr crInGe CouPleNess, NoT eVen fOod WiLl sWaY mE!!!" she says with a high pitched voice, shittly imitating Paimon.

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