Chapter 4 - Chongling//Ingredients

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It was a sunny day in Liyue, hot but not to the point where it could make one feel uncomfortable.

Xiangling sat outside at one of the tables in Wanmin restaurant with her friend and funeral parlour director, Hu tao. She was writing down ingredients for different recipes she wanted to try.

Xiangling's recipes were interesting to say the least though it never diminished her credibility as an amazing chef, everyone loved her dishes no matter how weird they seemed to be.

Her dishes always consisted of unique flavours and 'exotic' ingredients that didn't favour everybody's palette and taste but Xiangling didn't really care.

Xiangling has always loved cooking more than anything. Well that's what she thought until she began developing feelings for her friend, Chongyun. She had known him since she was a kid and had always been quite fond of him but she's never thought of him romantically. Food had always been her first priority so she never had time for anything romantic, that was the excuse she'd tell herself...

"Ling!" Hu tao, Xiangling's friend, scoffed "Are you even listening to me?" she asked, clearly annoyed at her friend.

Xiangling blinked, holding her notepad tight, she noticed she hadn't written down anything of value. Once again Chongyun plagued her thoughts, making food her second priority instead of her first.

"Ling? I swear to Rex Lapis if you're thinking about Chongyun again I'm gonna rip all my hair out!" Hu tao exclaimed angrily.

Hu tao knew about her friend's crush, she's tried on multiple occasions to help her friend but Xiangling claimed that her methods were 'too chaotic' whatever that means...

Xiangling looked down, embarrassed "Sorry Tao, I was uhm-"

"-thinking about Chongyun" Hu tao said monotonely with an eye roll, finishing the girl's sentence for her.

"N-no I wasn't!" Xiangling exclaimed, putting her hands up defensively as a slight blush dusted her cheeks.

"Ling..." Hu tao paused "I'm not stupid. If you keep this up you'll never get anything done" she finished and took a glance at her friend's empty recipe note pad.

"I-" Xiangling sighed, Hu tao was right, if she kept this up she'd never get anything done, the only thing she'd get done would be thinking about Chongyun 24/7.

She's tried ignoring her feelings and avoiding Chongyun for a bit but that solution was only temporary, cause the moment she saw him all her efforts that day went to waste. Despite all her attempts, she was never able to find a proper solution, she's tried everything except...

Confessing her feelings...

Xiangling blushed at the thought, no way Chongyun liked her. Impossible.

"Ling please, I'm begging you at this point, just confess to Chongyun" her brown-haired friend spoke softly, taking Xiangling out of her Chongyun-infested thoughts for the millionth time today.

"I-I can't! There's no way I can do that Tao!" she exclaimed with a vibrant blush dusting her cheeks.

Hu tao scowled at her friend, rolling her eyes at her stupidity.

"If you weren't stupid, you'd know he likes you" she commented, showing no remorse whatsoever after calling her friend an absolute idiot.

Xiangling looked at her friend with a frown, not appreciating getting called an idiot.

" first teasing you two was entertaining, but now Xingqui and I are getting second-hand embarrassment cause of how oblivious you guys are"

Xiangling's mouth dropped slightly as a small gasp escaped her lips.

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