Chapter 5 - Alberose//Coffee Shop

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°♥Modern AU

"So what you're saying is..." a midnight haired girl began as she eyed her friend, who sat across from her, judgingly.

"...You're in love with some random guy you met once at a coffee shop?"

The girl's friend retreated into her seat with a vibrant blush on her cheeks, not answering her friend's question, the sun that was shining down on her face didn't help her at all in concealing the colour that tainted her cheeks. Her mint green hair seemingly shining brighter cause of the sun as her animal-like ears wiggled subtly, possibly because she was embarrassed, and her delicate amber eyes darted around nervously, trying to avoid the judging pale blue eyes that were scrutinizing her.

Mona looked at her with slight disbelief, how could someone fall in love that fast? That kind of shit only happened in romance books, not in real life. She had to compose herself before she said anything too mean, it was her friend after all, Sucrose to be exact, and she knew how sensitive the girl could be. So, Mona had to address this situation in a way that wouldn't make the mint-haired girl upset.

"" Mona asked, trying to understand her friend's feelings.

"I know, it sounds dumb but-" Sucrose finally spoke after gathering the confidence to meet Mona's eyes, only to be cut off.

"Dumb is an understatement..." the midnight-haired girl murmured as she slightly rolled her pale eyes at Sucrose.

Sucrose let out a groan, letting her head fall onto the table, "I regret telling you any of this..."

"Ok, ok I'm sorry. So how exactly did you meet him?"

"Well......" she began, looking off into the horizon, remembering the events that occurred that fateful day...

She just wanted to get a cup of coffee to get her through all the treacherous work she had to complete.

Once Sucrose stepped out of her apartment it was sunny, so sunny that she had to shield her eyes from the sun's radiant glow. The skies were clear and it didn't seem like it would rain today, well that's what Sucrose had thought anyway.

She began making her way towards her favourite coffee shop that wasn't too far away from her home. Enjoying the fresh air and serene peacefulness the late afternoon had to offer, as well as relaxing her mind after being stressed by work. Sucrose quietly thanked the archons.

Soon enough, the coffee shop began to come into view which made a soft smile curve onto Sucrose's lips. However, her smile dropped when she started to notice how fast the sky was suddenly darkening.

Darkening not because it was getting late or anything, it was because it was about to rain...

And before the mint haired girl could even react, it began raining, heavily.

"Oh no!"

Sucrose panicked and began running towards the coffee shop, in order to have some type of shelter from the harsh rain.

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