Chapter 7 - Cylou//I'll Always be There When You Need Me

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A/N: Listen I'm very sorry for the long wait for a new chapter, It's not going to get any better but at least i can give y'all an apology😭. Also happy new years and a super late Merry Christmas lol.

Anywayss, this ship is cute and no one can tell me otherwise. Also am I the one that ships both Cylou and Cynari, they're both so cuteee😭 If I can, I might write a Cynari one shot too, no promises tho😗
Also I'm so glad there are people genuinely enjoying my book, I really thought I'd get a lot of hate for the ships I like so tysm again for the votes, reads and nice comments🥰

Nilou paced around impatiently, a worried expression etched on her usually happy face. It was already past midnight and Cyno had yet to return home from work.

Nilou knew his job as general Mahammatra could be demanding at times but, he almost never worked this late into the night, and if he ever did, he would always notify Nilou of his late return.

It was already bad enough that his job, due to all the danger he could encounter, brought her a lot of anxiety. But now, the fact that he was yet to return made her anxiety skyrocket, her heart was beating out of her chest and she had to take deep breaths to help calm down (which didn't help whatsoever).

"...What if something bad happened to him...?"

"W-what if he got seriously hurt..."

Nilou's thoughts swirled around sporadically in her head, little tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she began feeling a little light headed.

The woman was suddenly taken out of her panic induced thoughts by the unnecessarily loud sound of the front door being opened, indicating the arrival of someone. Nilou whipped her head around so fast that a few stray tears rolled down her face, once her crystalline blue eyes met the figure's scarlet red ones, she finally let her held back tears fall freely.

"Cyno! Where have you been?! Why are you coming home so l-late?!" she questioned, voice breaking in the process, she rushed over to him without bothering to wipe her tears away.

Cyno looked at her concerned face silently, his eyes looking a little too dull, something that Nilou didn't notice immediately. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out and before any of them knew it, Cyno began breathing heavily and leaning forward a little too much, almost like he was beginning to faint.

Nilou's round eyes widened, she reacted quickly and tried catching him before he hit the floor with a thud, but she greatly underestimated his weight and how heavy he actually was because instead of catching him, Nilou ended up losing her balance and fell backwards, landing on her back with her head harshly impacting the floor.

She groaned, attempting to move her hands by instinct to the back of her head to rub it. However, once she realized her hands were pressed in place by the weight on her, she angled her head down to Cyno's unconscious body. Her brows furrowed with effort as she attempted to free herself and properly inspect Cyno.

Nilou murmured incoherently with worry, she moved to grab Cyno's arms to move him off her, but her fingers immediately recoiled back after coming in contact with the burning sensation of his skin. His body temperature was unnaturally high.

The woman let out a shaky breath, coming to the conclusion that Cyno had fallen ill. Seeing as he always overworked himself, Nilou wasn't really surprised that all the stress had finally taken it's toll.

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