she's a Murderer

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(Rahma's pov)

It's been two days since that crazy incident, I thought things would be awkward between me and Asif since I expressed my feelings for him but Alhamdullilah things between me and Asif is better than ever.

I've been looking forward to today because Amina and Isham are finally going to leave today, their flight is by 12:00am so they were leaving early.

Ever since that incidence Asif hasn't spoken to Amina and I might sound like a bad person but I want it to be that way

I caught a cold after what happened under the rain and Asif has been taking care of me ever since and tending to my needs.

We were currently in his room and he was reciting the holy Quran and MashaAllah he had such a sweet and calm voice.

The way his smile never faded from his face as he kept reciting the Ayas, his eyes glimmered with every Aya he read and at that moment I made a small Dua in my heart.

Ya Allah you know best, please let him be my Man, let us be together forever ya Rabbi, if not in this Dunya then in Akira ya Allah.

"Rahma!.., rahma." He said while tapping my shoulder

"Y-yes?" I said startled.

"What have you been thinking about?, I've been calling your name for the past two minute." He asked with a serious face.

"I-i.." I couldn't even find the right excuse.

"Wait, don't tell me you've been secretly admiring my handsome face." He said with a teasing smile which made me blush in return.

I was about to reply when there was a sudden knock on his door.

"I'll get that." He said as he stood up to open the door.

Amina came in view as he opened the door and I couldn't help but feel insecure and angry at her presence.

I can't just wipe the memory of her on Asif's laps easily.

"Can we talk privately?" She asked in a calm voice which I knew too well is all just an act.

Asif turned and looked at me asking me with his eyes if it's okay and I wanted to say no instead I just nod my head in a positive.

"Sure." He replied and they walked away from the door but Asif didn't close the door which made it very easy to hear their conversation.

"Asif why are you doing this to us because of her." She asked.

"I didn't do anything Amina, I'm sorry you have feelings for me but I don't and I can't force myself to love you either." He said and I could hear the hurt in her voice as she replied.

"I-its sad you know, I fell in love with you first, I always thought about you, always looked for ways to travel just to come and meet you, I tried so hard to be a better person because I want to be with you Asif, wallahi I did everything because I love you, it hurts me so bad that my love is unrequited, maybe I was delusional, maybe there was never an us to being with, maybe I always dreamt of a happy life with you and I always prayed for us to be together but you know what they say, 'if you truly love someone then let them go but if they come back to you then hold on to them.', so today Asif.." she said and paused.

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