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(Rahma's pov)

"It's already been a week now since she started staying with us." I heard Zainab's stressed voice say.

I was walking down the hallway of the house when I heard them both talking about something severe.

I didn't want to evesdrop on their conversation but I think they were talking about me so now I'm currently hiding at the back of the door to my mom's room.

It's not holy I know, but we all get curious sometimes.

"I know it's been a week already but I just can't bring myself to tell her about it Zainab." My mom said as her voice cracked at the end of her sentence.

"She deserves to know it, please don't keep secrets between you and rahma." Aunt Zainab said

"It's not that easy to tell your daughter that you haven't seen almost all your life that you have cancer." My mom said while she finally broke down In tears as her sobs echoed through the room.

My breath hitched as I heard what she just said.

Cancer?, My mom has cancer!

I didn't even realize when the tears started flowing down my cheeks as I put a hand over my mouth to muffle my cries.

"I know it's not easy and my hearts breaks for you but we all don't know when our time will come so you have to tell her." Aunt Zainab said.

"I just want to spend more time with my daughter and I don't want to die Zainab, not when I've finally found her." My mom said.

I didn't stay to hear the rest of their conversation as I slowly walked away from the door.

And it all just hurts so bad, just when you start healing and working on yourself, something bad has to happen and then you're all messed up again.

That day I cried my heart out knowing that I might loose someone else again.
That's just how death works, it takes people away from you when you least expect it.


The next day I woke up and acted like nothing bad has happened, I realized something and that Is, we don't have all the time in the world to spend it with the people we love.
And the little time we have shouldn't be spent being sad and miserable.

And I, I actually want to make my days with everyone in this household special and memorable.

So that's what I did, each day I made sure that we all were spending time together as a family, it's always fun when I help mum and aunt in the kitchen, or when I and Ibrahim play with each other like ten year old, and it always warmed my heart how Musa, acted like the best elder brother and the twins were two adorable kids that filled each soul in this household with love.

And I was finally happy again, even though the future might not be too bright, I was contented for now and I don't want to think of the bad things that are to come, and I would rather dwell on the happy days.

It was all fine until that day.

I don't know what suddenly happened to me but breathing suddenly became really hard as a very uncomfortable feeling short through my stomach while making me claunthe it in pain.

It had to be my Lucky day cause everyone went out today and I decided to stay back with grandad who was currently sleeping inside his room downstairs.

The feeling of wanting to throw up suddenly kicked in, so I rushed towards the bathroom and I threw up, I threw up all the content in my stomach till I started throwing up blood and then I started to panic.

Holding on to the wall for support I quickly washed my mouth and face and felt a little better but that didn't take away the metallic taste of blood in my mouth.

I felt so weak and helpless, my body suddenly couldn't take it anymore so I slumped down on the bathroom tiles.

I reached to the pocket of my Abaya to get my phone, I quickly unlocked it as I scrolled through my contacts trying to dial Ibrahim's number.

At the moment I don't know why but calling him seems like the best decision.

Just as I was about to dial his number, my eye lids suddenly felt really heavy as I fought the urge to close them, an immerse pain shot through my skull which made me groan loudly in pain.

With shaking hands, I finally found the Strength to call Ibrahim and he answered almost immediately.

"Hello rahma." He said his voice a little bit more cheerful than usual.

I was trying to get the words out of my mouth as my breathing became more haggard.

"Ibrahim." I whispered his name in my vulnerable voice.

"Are you okay?" He asked sounding serious and worried all of the sudden.

"Help me please."  And that's all I was able to say before I stopped fighting the darkness and embraced it.

Hope you are all doing great.
See you in the next chapter
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