1 What's your favourite scary movie?

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Blackmore University was like a breath of fresh air for Tara.

Not only did she rarely have to hear about last years events in Woodsboro,ocasionally having people come up to her and asking her about Richie and Amber,but she also is finally doing a course on Film Studies at Blackmore University.

The nineteen year old is finally independent.Or she would be if Sam wouldn't be bugging her every five minutes like she is now.

"Jesus christ,Sam,would you just stop?".Tara shouts at her sister as she walks out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"No,Tara,I won't stop.You're being so irresponsible".Sam follows after her,putting her hands on her hips as she stares sternly at her younger sister.

Tara and Sam live in an apartment building with their roomate,Quinn.Their apartment isn't massive but it isn't small.It's just enough for the three of them.

Tara rolls her eyes."Irresponsible?For wanting to go to a Halloween party?".

"Yes.Just because we in New York doesn't mean you get to mess around.Your safety comes first.Halloween is in four days and that means there's going to be all kind of weird people hanging around,especially at frat parties".Sam says.

"It's a party,Sam.There's gonna be a million other people there and I won't be alone. Mindy,Chad,Anika and Ethan are going".Tara explains,really hoping that her sister is gonna stop being such a stuck up asshole and let her go to this party.

"I don't care.You're staying home with Quinn".Sam doesn't give in.Tara hates sometimes how similar they are.They are both really stuborn.

Tara frowns and turns around to walk to her bedroom,slamming the door shut.


The sound of a door slamming makes you look away from the TV and at your older brother,Danny.

You live with Danny in an apartment building as you go to Blackmore University to study Film.You moved in with him a couple of weeks ago after your ex girlfriend broke up with you and kicked you out.Yet,you still can't get used to the constant slamming of doors coming from the windows opposite yours.

"Another argument?It hasn't even been twelve hours".You say to your brother.

"It's none of our business,Y/N".Danny tells you as he pours himself a glass of water.

You know about Sam's and Danny's relationship as you've caught them making out on the stairs before.You have to say,they'rs acting like teenagers.Sneaking around and all,but you don't dare say anything as you've heard about what happened to Sam back in Woodsboro.

"I still can't believe you're basically dating Sam Carpenter.You don't date anyone".You look at your brother as he sits next to you.

Danny shakes his head. "That's also none of your business.Aren't you suppose to be at work?".

You check your phone and realise it's nearly six in the evening.

"Oh fuck".You yelp as you jump up from the couch,running into your room as Danny chuckles.

He is such an asshole.


For some reason,you when you applied to study at Blackmore University,you also decided to get a job at this restaurant on Hudson.

Honestly,you have no idea how you even got a job at this place.It's so fancy and looks so rich that it makes you feel incredibly poor.But,your boss is chill and the pay is fairly nice so you can't complain.

Although,after tonight,you might not have a job as you're incredibly late.

You run into the restaurant and try to ignore the amount of costumers staring at you as if you were an alien or some sort of animal. Slipping into the backroom,you huff and puff from all the running you did to get to this place,you feel like you have ran miles even though this restaurant is only like three or four blocks away from your apartment building.

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