3 The Bodega Incident

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On your walk around New York City,you realise two important things.One,you understand agree with both Tara and Sam and two,Tara is an idiot for thinking that you two aren't friends.

You weigh up both of Tara's and Sam's points of views and you have come to the conclusion that both of them have great points.Sam should give Tara a little bit of freedom,but Tara should put it on herself to deal with whatever happened last year.Ignoring it won't make it go away,but constantly thinking about it will hurt more.She should just speak up about it when it's relivant and not hide how she truly feels about the attack in Woodsboro.

On the other side of the situation,what Tara said to you was bullshit and you know she knows it.You haven't been friends long,you know that,but the past couple of days you have been talking to each other has made you feel like you have known her your whole life.You have similar interests,similar qualities.Your a perfect match.And saying that you two aren't actually friends won't make this situation hurt less,but it'll hurt even more.

So,after your silent debate in your mind,you take it upon yourself to walk back to the apartement.

You walk up the stairs to the apartment before opening the door and walking up another small set of stairs.You open the next door and look up to see Sam and Danny making out.Your face instantly twists into a grimace.

"Disgusting".You say as you walk over,making the two of them pull away.

"Y/N,shut the fuck up".Danny says as Sam looks at him.

You roll your eyes and you look at Sam. "Is Tara home?".

"Yeah.The others are up there too".Sam tells you and you nod.

"I'll leave you two to it,then".You grin and Danny looks ready to kill you.

You sprint up the stairs before he can.


Finally,you make it to Tara's and Sam's apartement.You knock on the door and Mindy opens it.

"Hey.You good?".Mindy asks,letting you in.

"I have to talk to Tara".You reply as you close the door behind you.

Mindy points over to a closed door. "That's her room.Go get 'em,tiger".

"Shut up".You roll your eyes and you walk over to where Mindy pointed.

You take a breath and knock on the door.

You hear Tara shout. "Come in!".

You put your hand on the doorhandle and you push the door open to see Tara sat on her bed and Quinn sitting on a chair.

Tara looks at you suprised while Quinn looks from you to Tara.

"I'm gonna go.I'll let you guys chat".Quinn says with a smile as she stands up and walks over to the door,closing it.

Tara and you look at each other for a moment,nothing saying anything.In all honesty,you don't know what to say.You haven't planned anything out.

"Hi".You let out,making Tara look up at you.

"Hey".She says in almost a whisper.

"How are you feeling?".You ask her.

Tara takes a deep breath before replying. "I've been better,I'm not gonna lie".

"I want to talk to you.About tonight".You tell her.

"Go for it".Tara says,patting the spot on the bed next to her.

You hesitate before going for it and sitting down next to her,you arms brushing against each other.

"Firstly,I just want to say that I understand what you're going through.I might not understand what you have gone through last year,but I get how you're feeling.I can read you like a book.And I see you,Tara.I see you".You say and she looks at you right in the eyes.You feel like your about to melt.

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