11 Trapped

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TW.Lots of violence.

Tara,you and Sam run out of the room,quickly but quietly making your way into the middle of the movie theater.Tara starts to think you guys are in the clear,but instead,you're met with both the killers coming at you from both ends.

You are trapped.

The Ghostface that is behind you shakes their head as they hold up their knife and Tara feels you pulling her closer to you.

Sam bends down to grab some bricks and she hands it to Tara and then you.You stand next to Tara and the two of you stand face to face with the killer that was behind you while Sam stands with her back to you,face to face with the second Ghostface.

It occured to Tara that you guys didn't even have time to devise a plan,you just ran out here and got ambushed.Now,you are stuck with these to maniacs as they circle you.

"Ready?".Sam says.

Tara feels her heart beating so fast she thinks she's about to have a heart attack.

When neither Tara or you responds,Sam talks again."I need you two to be ready.Ready?".

"Yes,Sam I'm ready".You say,impatiently.Tara turns her head to look at you and you raise your eyebrows.

"I'm ready".Tara breaths out before looking at the Ghostface again and yelling. "Come on motherfucker!".

But,before anything happens,gunshots are heard.Bullets fly around as the three of you duck.Tara turns her head quickly to see where the shots are being fired from and she see's Kirby,walking down the stage.

"It's ok!".Kirby shouts.

"Stay the fuck back!".Sam warns her,standing infront of Tara and you.

Tara glares at her. "We know it's you Kirby".

"We thought we could trust you".You say.

"One of them knocked me out".Kirby points to where the killer was previously stood.

"Kirby stop!Getting away from the girls!".Another voice can be heard as Kirby hold her hand up and Tara turns around to see Officer Bailey pointing a gun at Kirby.

"What are you doing?".Kirby says.

Officer Bailey ignores her."Did you kill Quinn?Did you kill my daughter?".

"Jesus christ!".Kirby's hands start to shake. "Whatever he's been saying to you,don't listen to him.He's probably the killer.Behind you!".

Kirby yells so suddenly that Tara physically jumps.

What scares her more is the fact that Officer Bailey shoots Kirby.The three of you stare in shock as Kirby falls to the ground.You turn back to Officer Bailey to see the Ghostface standing by him,not stabbing him.

Tara should of known.

"Great job".Officer Bailey says and the other killer joins them. "Both of you".

"You?".Tara says.

"Yeah,of course me.Frankly,I expected more from the two of you after what did to us".Officer Bailey says.

"What do you mean us?".Tara says.

Officer Bailey looks at the Ghostface to the left of him,the killer takes off their mask to reveal Ethan.It was him all along.Tara should of figured this out.

"No fucking way".You breath out and Tara turns to see you looking absolutley shocked.

"Ta da!".Officer Bailey says.

"Mindy was right".Ethan begins. "It was easy to juke the roommate lottery.I mean,all I had to do to meet you was room with a condescending alpha literally named Chad.Fuck it felt good to kill him!".

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