8 Psycho

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Turns out,Officer Bailey's idea required Sam to be bait.

Tara didn't like the idea of Sam being alone so she insisted on joining her sister.

It took Tara quite a long time to convince you to allow them to do this,but once you finally did,she set out to the park with Sam.

They walk down a pathway.People surround them.Mothers with kids running around, enjoying the nice day.Tara admires them.She wishes she could be carefree like they are.

"You should have stayed with the others.I know Y/N didn't want you to go with me".Sam suddenly says making Tara look up at her.

"That's not gonna happen.I came with you because this involves both of us".Tara tells Sam.

"There's no point in both of us putting ourselves at risk".

"I'm not.I'm your backup".

Tara offers her sister a smile.


Inside the van,you're sat in there with your friends and Kirby who's typing away furiously at a laptop,trying to work the tracking program.You're sat next to Mindy,nervously biting your nails.You're starting to regret letting Tara go and do this and you're really going to hate yourself if she gets hurt.

Mindy puts her hand on your arm to stop you biting your nails. "Y/N/N,relax.Tara's going to be fine.Think positively".

"I hope your right.Who knows what this sick fuck has got planned?".You say.

Mindy looks over to Kirby. "So we're really doing the phone tracing thing that never works in movies.I'll be all,'Keep him talking,Sam.Two more minutes.I've almost got him'.And then he hangs up just before we can get a lock".

"I can trace a call in under fifteen seconds".Kirby says confidently.

"Bullshit".You say skeptically.

Mindy sits up. "Well,you've got them out there as bait".

"Because the killer usually calls from somewhere nearby".Kirby tells her.

"And you think they're safe because it's broad daylight in a public place?".Mindy questions.

"Look,I'm here,ok?And so is Bailey".Kirby says.

"This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died.Board daylight.Public place.Yanked into a van.Stab,stab,stab.No more Randy".Mindy says and Kirby looks at her weirdly.

"Wait,is there a chance we'll be attacked?".Ethan says with a gulp.

"I hope this isn't going to be like that scence in Psycho.But instead of it being in a shower,it'll be a van".You say,playing around with one of the lamps on Kirby's desk.She swats your hand away.

"Way to be positive,Y/N".Mindy glares at you.


Tara can feel the adrenaline rushing through her blood as she tries to scout of her surroundings while not looking suspicious at the same time.Just trying to casually walk with Sam and pretending not to see Officer Bailey behind a bush.There's a million people out here and Tara feels like there's someone watching them.

She's not even startled when Sam's phone rings.

Her sister takes it out of her pocket and on the phone screen pops up the caller ID of 'Richie Kirsch'.Tara gets flashbacks of that Halloween night when her and Sam got attacked.

Tara and Sam glance at each other before looking around and Sam finally picks up the phone.

"You're gonna die you know".Sam says into the phone.

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