4 Gale Weathers

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Tara and Sam sit in the interrogation room, waiting for Officer Bailey to come in.Tara lays her head on her arms,looking at the evidence that is displayed infront of her.Pictures of Jason and Greg and their mutilated bodies.

The girl also can't understand why you,plus the rest of your friends,of all people have been called into the police station.It's obvious it's none of you,all of you have alibis.

Officer Bailey comes into the room,holding a bag with a ghostface mask in it.He sits down.

"This was found next to the body at the apartment crimescene.DNA says it belongs to someone named Richie Kirsch.Does that ring a bell?".He says.

"We're familliar with him".Sam says.

Tara notices that the mask isn't the same as the one the ghostface in the bodega had."But the one that attacked us has a different mask on.It was kinda more beat up,like it was older".

Officer Bailey thinks for a second. "I gotta ask.Do you have alibis for eariler tonight?".

"I was at a party with my friends".Tara says.

"I was at my therapists.I can give you his information you can call to check if you want.And then I met Tara at that party.Where I tased someone".Sam says and Officer Bailey looks at her. "Unrelated".

"Was that before or after this happened?". Officer Bailey shows Tara and Sam a video of Sam getting in a fight on his phone.

Tara looks at Sam.She had no idea this happened as she walked off after yours and hers argument.

"Before".Sam says.

"Point is we were with people all night".Tara says to him.

"So,our roommates dad,just happened to pull our case".Sam looks at him.

Officer Bailey smiles. "Had to be a crazy coincidence right?".


"The detective who had the case he offered it to me because it involves Quinn,but I can totally give it back if your uncomfortable.It's up to you".

Tara and Sam share a look.

"It's fine".Sam says.

"So if the man who attacked you did steal
your license and planted it next to the body,it'd probably be somebody close to you.How long have you known your friends?".Officer Bailey asks.

"Well we moved her with Mindy and Chad for summer semester like six months ago.So, Quinn,Ethan and Anika all since then.Y/N,I've become friends with more recently,but she's known Mindy and Chad since we've moved here".Tara replies.

"I think I can vouch for Quinn so that's one less we have to worry about".Officer Bailey says, rising suspicion in Tara.She looks at Sam.There's now way a police officer could be after them,right?"Do either of you have anyone who might wanna target you?".

"Not anyone who's still alive".Tara says.

"Yikes".Officer Bailey says. "Alright,I think that's all for now".


You sit with Mindy and Chad in the waiting room as the three of you got called in with Tara and Sam to the police station.You prop your head on your hand,yawning.After the nights events,you got no sleep.Constantly twisting and turning until you gave up on sleep.

Your eyes just close when the door to the interagation room opens and Tara,Sam and Officer Bailey walk out.

Officer Bailey is holding a clipboard in his hands and he looks up,reading out a name. "Y/N Brackett".

Inside the interrogation room,you sit on a chair,the photos of evidence displayed out infront of you.Officer Bailey sits down.

"How long have you known Tara and Sam for?".He asks,pulling his chair in.

"Well,I've known of Tara ever since she moved here.She's my neighbour and I've been friends with her friends for quite a while.But,more recently,we've become close.I don't really know Sam".You reply.

"Do you have an alibi for last night?".Officer Bailey questions.

"Yes".You nod. "I was at a party with Tara and my other friends.Later in the night,I was with my brother at home".

"Your brother,Danny Brackett?".Officer Bailey raises an eyebrow.

You nod again. "Yes".

Officer Bailey hums and looks at some files. "Why is it that you have become friends with Tara?Are you getting something out of it or what?".

"What kind of question is that?I'm friends with Tara because I like her and we have a lot in common".You say before leaning forwards in your chair. "Are you assuming I have something to do with these attacks?".

"Do you?".Officer Bailey gives you a look that you can't seem to figure out,but it confuses you.

"No.I barely know anything about what has happened in Woodsboro.The only things I know is the stuff Tara or Mindy or Chad have told me,or what I have seen in the Stab movies".You say,angrily.

Suddenly,another police officer comes into the room.

"FBI's here".

Officer Bailey gives you an apologetic look. "I think that's all,for now.You're free to go".


You lean against the taxi as you wait for Tara and Sam to walk out of the police station, they're talking to the FBI.In true honesty,the fact the FBI is involved kind of scares you,even though you haven't been the victim of the attacks.The FBI being involved just makes this whole situation more real.

"Should we leave?".The taxi driver asks you politely.

You dip your head inside the car and reply. "Just wait a few more minutes.They should be out any time".

The amount of reporters stood outside the police officers is magnificant.All these people want to use these victims like Tara and Sam to gain money,and you think that is sick.It's disgusting.

Just as your about pull out your phone to text Tara,you see her and Sam walking out the police station and instantly,the newsreporters swarm around them.

You make your way towards them to help them out,but someone walks up to them and you stop in your tracks.You recognise that person.It's Gale Weathers.

Gale says something to the two sisters and Sam throws a punch but Gale dodges it skillfully.She smiles but then Tara punches her in the jaw and you wince as Gale looks at Tara in shock,clutching the side of her face.That must of hurt.

After a few more heated words have been exchanged,and you decide you will not parttake in this conversation,Tara makes her way towards you.You can basically feel the stomps as she walks up to you.The girl doesn't say a word,she just grabs a hold of your arm and pulls you into the taxi.Tara says something to Gale before the taxi driver drives away and Gale watches as you disappear into the distance.

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