7 I had Econ!

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Tara hates ambulances.Sitting inside the ambulance right now with you,Mindy and Chad,she's just replaying last night's events over and over in her head.She can't even comprehend how Mindy must be feeling right now.

But,sitting in that ambulance also brings her back to when she got attacked back in Woodsboro.When she was getting driven to the hospital in the ambulance,she was mostly in and out,being awake one seconds and passing out the next from the amount of blood she lost.But Tara remembers the way the paramedics were putting an oxygen mask over her head and were fussing with bandages on her stab wounds to limit blood loss.

She stops thinking when she feels your arms wrap around her shoulders,trying to comfort her.Tara looks up to see you looking at Mindy,placing a hand on her arm and saying something to her.

Ethan beings walking over,ducking under the police tape to keep people out,and when you see him,Tara watches as you walk over to him.

You grab him by his shirt and look at him sternly. "Where the fuck where you?".

"What?When?".Ethan asks as you continue holding him by his shirt in fury.Tara doesn't know whether to stop you.

"Last night".You reply.

"I had Econ.That's why I wasn't there".

"Fuck that.You disappear and then we get attacked".

"Dude,I was in a study hall with a hundred other people.You can ask any of them".

Tara watches as you let go of him and Chad walks up to the two of you.

"Oh my god".Ethan says as he notices the police standing by bodybags. "Who?".

"Anika and Quinn".Chad tells him.

You glare at Ethan once more before walking back to Tara and Mindy.Instantly,you put your arm around Tara.She nearly slaps herself for the way her body jumps at the sudden touch.Not because she doesn't like it,quite the opposite actually.

"Mindy.I'm so sorry".Ethan says as he walks over.

"Step the fuck back".Mindy says coldly making Ethan halt. "You're at the top of my list".

"I had Econ!".Ethan insists.


When Tara walks over to talk to Sam,Gale and Officer Bailey,you decide to go find your brother as you saw him talking to some cops.

Ducking down under the police tape,you walk over to Danny who's stood with a cop,his hands in his pockets.He's frantically looking for you or Sam and when he see's you,he relaxes a little and offers you a sad smile.

He finishes up with the cop and walks up to you,putting his hand on your shoulder.

"I'm sorry about your friend,Y/N/N".Danny says,patting your shoulder to comfort you.

You look down at your feet. "I can't even imagine how Mindy must be feeling right now.She watched her own girlfriend die".

"I know.But,from what you've told me about Mindy,she will be fine.She's a strong person".Danny says,still smiling sadly at you. "How's Tara doing?".

"We haven't had time to talk about anything that happened,you know.It all happened so fast.The ambulance and police.We all got questioned just like you did,so I don't really know.I can tell she's shaken up".You tell him as you look over to Tara who's still with Sam,Gale and Officer Bailey.You see Kirby walking up to them.

"Well,at least you got support from each other".Danny says.

"Hey,Y/N!".You head someone yell your name and you turn around to see Tara. "Gale wants to show us something".

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