9 Movie Theatre

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The New York Metro is full of people in Halloween costumes.The buzz of one of the most popular nights in the year still evident in society.It's a nightmare to get through the crowd,you have to twist and turn and push your way through the many people dressed up.Tara finds herself wanting to grab onto your hand so you can guide her through the crowd,but she can't.You're mad at her.Actually,you're absolutley pissed with her and she knows it.

The way you stared at her before storming out of that lobby made her want to crawl into a hole.Never in a million years would she want to make you upset,she doesn't even believe that Danny could be ghostface.It was just a natural response.

She keeps on taking small peaks at the back of your head as she walks behind you,just like she did on the way to the metro,hoping that she telepathicly sends a singal to you that she's sorry.Tara hopes that you realise there's no point in arguing over this and that'll you'll let her apologise.But you don't turn around and Tara has to chew on her lip to stop her from crying.

"Is this even a good plan?".Ethan questions as the group makes their way down the stairs.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to".Tara says.

Ethan carries on. "So we just peel off and the killer picks us off one by one?No,thank you".

"God,Ethan,would you just shut up".You snap at him making him flinch.

Tara's shocked by this.You don't seem like the type of person to loose your temper.

"Let's just get to the theater.Come on,in here".Sam says as she leads you to a train.

"Yes,because it'll be much less scary at the serial killer movie theater".Chad says.

To get into the train,you brush past all
types of people and Tara finally relaxes when she gets onto the train,you standing next to her,not even looking her way.Sam,Danny and Chad stand with you guys.

"Where's Mindy?".Sam asks as the train drives away.

"She missed the train.I was gonna wait for her but Cute Boy here dragged me on".Chad replies, looking at Danny.

"I was trying to keep us together".Danny explains.

"By pulling us apart?".Tara questions.The words coming out of her mouth before she can think.

The girl glanced at you but once again,you're not looking her way.You're not even fazed by what she just said,you're staring off into the distance.

"It's ok.It's fine.She's with Ethan.She'll meet us there".Chad says,checking his phone.

Tara barely pays attention,gazing at you and hoping you'll look her way.She just really wants to look into your eyes again,hold onto your arm and hope that everything will be ok.Wait.Oh shit-

"Shit".Chad says,

Tara's thoughts are interrupted by Chad's words.She looks in the direction he was looking in as all of you do the same and Tara's petrified as the sight of many people in Ghostface costumes sits before her.Not only that,there's all other horror film character based costumes and if Tara wasn't so scared right now,she'd think they are incredibly cool.

It's impossible that one of these is the actual Ghostface,right?

"How many stops do we have?".Tara asks.

Sam checks before looking at her and replying. "Ten".

Darkness flashes around as the train goes through tunnels without lights and this just makes the whole experience even more terrifying.

As the train comes to a halt,people begin to get off until the train carries on going.


Once the five of you finally get of the metro,you walk up the stairs,Tara still borring her eyes into the back of your head,and you walk up towards the movie theater where Kirby is standing.

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