5 What's a requel?

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Back at the apartment building,you walk up the stairs with Tara and Sam in silence.The three of you get to Tara's and Sam's apartment and you say goodbye to them.Tara looks at you as if she wants you to come in but you turn and walk to your own apartment.

You try the door handle but the door is closed.Weird,Danny is suppose to be home.It's the weekend,so he doesn't have work and before you left for the police station with Tara and Sam,he told you he'd be here when you'd come back.You take the keys out of your pocket and open the door.

Inside,you take your shoes off and yell out. "Danny!You home?".

There is no response.

With eyebrows knit in confusion,you take your shoes off and walk further into the apartment.

"Danny?".You say.

He's not in the living room or the kitchen.There is no note on the fridge like there usually would be.You check your phone,no text.You unlock your phone and go into your contact list,scrolling to find Danny's number.You call him.It takes him a few minutes to pick up but he finally does.

"Where are you?".You ask him.

"Sorry,my boss called me into work and I forgot to text you".He replies over the phone.

"When will you be back?".You say,sitting down on the couch.

"Like usual.At 7".Danny says.

"All right.I'll see you later".You say and you hung up the phone.

Just as you do that,you hear a knock on the door.A really harsh knock to be exact.Slightly startled,you get up off of the couch,putting your phone down on the coffee table,and you go to open the door.

When you do,there is nobody there.Baffeled, you look around but there is no sign of anyone.You look down to see a box on the floor.

You hesitate to pick it up but you do.You close the door and you make sure to lock it this time.Carrying the box,you make your way into the kitchen and you set the box down on the counter.Tape is sealing the box shut so you grab a pair of scissors and slice the tape.You open the box and inside is a knife.A knife covered in blood.

Before you can react,your phone rings.You grab it and see an unknown number calling you.You don't know whether you should answer it,but you do.

"Hello?".You say.

"Hello,Y/N".The person on the phone says.You recognise the voice changer from the Stab movies.

You stand up. "Who is this?".

"That's nothing you should be concerned about,Y/N".

"Did you leave this box outside my house?".

"You're clever,aren't you?".

"And you're pathetic,aren't you?".

"It's a warning.Stop sticking your nose in other people's business and stop trying to protect Tara.Or else I'll stick that knife down your throat".

Before you can say anything else,the person hangs up and there's a knock on your door.Your heart begins to pound and you reach to grab the scissors you used to open the box.

You slowly make your way over towards the door.Taking a deep breath,you swing the door open and hold up the scissors.Turns out,it's just Tara.

She looks at you as if your crazy holding up the pair of scissors.

"Tara?".You say,putting the scissors down.

"Jesus christ,were you gonna stab me?".She asks.

You pull her into your apartment and you close the door and lock it before replying. "No,no,sorry.Why are you here again?".

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