6 The Ladder

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At the end of the long day,most of the friend group decide to stick together at Tara's,Sam's and Quinn's apartment.

Inside the kitchen,you and Tara are finishing up cooking the meal for your friends.Well,you are as Tara is constantly glancing at you.She watches the way you concentrate on what your doing.There's something on her mind that she wants to tell you.

You look up and catch her staring at you.Making you smirk and making her look away.

"Tara,concentrate.Don't stare at me".You say still smirking.

Tara rolls her eyes. "I am not staring at you".

"Oh,like I'm gonna believe that".You say as you look at her.

The two of you fall into silence again.

"I think you should get out of the city".Tara finally says what has been on her mind for the past couple of hours.

"What?".You stop what your doing and turn your body to look at her.

Tara has to be honest and say that if anything happened to you,she would not be able to forgive herself.It would be her fault.Because she's friends with you,that means now your at risk.

"All of this might be a lot to take in and now because of me you're at risk.I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to go".Tara says.

"Tara,I'm not going anywhere".You tell her and Tara can't hide the small smile that falls onto her face.

Your conversation is disrupted by Mindy who gags behind you,you and Tara look at her.

"Will you two just make out already?".Mindy says.

"Mindy!".You shout at her but she just puts her hands up in defence as she walks over into the kitchen.

Tara turns her head to hide her blush.God,she doesn't understand why she's blushing over Mindy's comment.It's so pathetic.There is no way that could happen.

Sam enters the kitchen and Mindy looks at her.

"Sam?".Mindy says.

"Yep?".Sam looks at her.

"We do not have to stay here".

"Well,too bad.I insist.Safety in numbers".

Inside the living room,Anika calls out to you four and Chad who's setting up in the dinning room.You guys walks into the living room just as Anika turns up the volume on the TV.

"We're hearing from sources inside the homicide division that the prime suspect is none other than Samantha Carpenter.One of the survivors of the Woodsboro killings in 2022 seen here attacking a woman on the street last night".The news reporter says before a video of Sam and another woman shouting at each other and pushing each other is played.The news reporter continues. "In the wake of the Woodsboro tragedy last year rumors sprouted online that Carpenter was actually responsible for the killings blaming the crimes on her boyfriend,Richie Krisch and teen Amber Freeman".

Sam reaches over to Anika and grabs the remote,turning off the TV.

Sam walks off and Tara storms out of the room,tears slowly starting to brim at the corners of her eyes.The girl shuts her bedroom door and sits down on her bed.

She can't believe this is happening again.Sam was right,Tara needs to deal with what happened in Woodsboro because everything still feels so real and if what's happening right now is really what Mindy explained earlier,she's can't deal with it.It's all too much.To top it all off,everyone is suspecting Sam.Tara knows it can't be Sam.That's just impossible.

Tara is snapped away from her thoughts as the door opens and you walk in,shutting the door behind you.Tara looks up at you and she fights back tears at the way you look at her.

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