12 The Aftermath

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Music blares through your speakers as you are sat on your bed,doing your Film class assignement in which you have to write your own script.You're focusing so much that you don't realise that there's a knock on your door until the door opens.

In walks Tara.

Instantly,you shut your laptop and put it on your nighstand.

"Hi".Tara says as she jumps on your bed.

"Hey".You say,pecking Tara's lips. "Did Sam come with you?".

"Obviously.It's a double date after all".Tara says,pulling you to lie down with her.

"Have you done that script assignment yet?".You ask,laying your head next to hers and she tangles your legs together.

"I still have about six pages to do and then I'm done.Our new lecturer is so old,he thinks that modern horror movies are boring.He's clearly never watched Hereditary or The Witch or The Babadook".Tara tells you.

"I still haven't watched The Witch".You tell her and she shoots up,looking at you.

Her mouth hangs wide open. "I can't believe you.We've been dating for a month and you haven't even watched one of my favourite horror movies".

"Let's make a deal.If you let me pick out the horror movie we go see this Friday,I'll watch The Witch with you the next day".You say.

Tara debates this quietly before eyeing you. "Depends what horror movie".

"They're screening IT Follows by David Robert Mitchell".You tell her.

"Ok".Tara smiles.

Danny walks into your room and looks at you and Tara before saying. "Dinner's ready,kids".

"We're not kids".You grumble as you and Tara walk out your room,hand in hand.

You have to say,Danny really outdone himselfw with this dinner.You did help him out a little bit,but once you began to tell him how to do things,he kicked you out the kitchen.The food looks good and smells good and in true honesty,you are very proud of your brother.

Tara sits down next to you,opposite Sam,while you sit opposite Danny.

"How's that job of yours,Y/N?".Sam asks as Danny pours her some wine.

You reply as you eye the wine."I'm dropping.I've got a placement at the movie theater me and Tara always go to.I'm gonna miss my boss,though".

Danny notices you eyeing the wine and he glares at you. "Absolutley not".

"Come on.It's not like me and Tara haven't drank before".You say to him.

"I don't care.I'm not having my little sister and her girlfriend drinking alcohol in my presence".

You roll your eyes and Tara chuckles.

"When are Mindy and Chad coming over?".Sam asks Tara.

Tara looks at her phone to check the time and she takes a sip of her drink. "In an hour.Mindy is making us watch this new horror movie that came out yestarday".

"Have you guys heard that Gale is writing a book about what happened a month ago?".You say and everyone looks at you.You look down awkwardly as you remember what happened last time when Gale wrote a book. "I'm sure it's gonna be great".

"She won't do what she did last time.I'm sure of it".Tara says.

The four of you have a great night,talking and laughing.You're glad to be spending time with Tara,Sam and Danny,and then Mindy and Chad when they come over.Everything is back to normal.

This won't ever happen again.Right?


Authors Note

Part two of this books is currently in the works,I have already started writing the first couple of chapters and I just need to think of a title and finish making a cover and then I should be ready to publish the first chapter before the end of August.The sequel will follow the events of my own idea for Scream 7 and will contain some characters that I made up.I hope you guys enjoyed this and I hope you will enjoy part two when I publish it :)

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