she pouts for no reason

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Mina was sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone with a blank expression on her face. You noticed her pouting for no reason, which you found cute and amusing. You then walked over and pinched her cheeks playfully.

"Aww, what's making you pout like that, baby?" you asked, grinning.

Mina pouted even more and shook her head, not wanting to share what was bothering her. You raised your eyebrows and leaned in to kiss her cheeks, making her giggle.

"Come on, tell me what's going on in that head of yours," you coaxed, rubbing her cheeks with your thumbs.

Mina finally gave in and sighed. "I don't know, I just feel a little down today," she admitted.

You nodded understandingly and kissed her forehead. "That's okay, we all have those days," you said. "But you know what always lightens up your mood?"

"What?" Mina asked, looking up at you curiously.

You smiled mischievously and leaned in to kiss her lips, making her giggle again. "That," you said, grinning. "And also, a good meal and cuddles. Let's order takeout and watch a movie, okay?"

Mina's pout disappeared as she smiled and hugged you tightly. "Okay, that sounds perfect," she said.

You wrapped your arms around her, feeling grateful for her presence in your life. As you ordered the food and settled in to watch the movie, the sound of Mina's laughter and your own filled the room, your hearts beating in sync.
Im sorry this is a short one
I am making a new and probably a long mina imagine just wait guys!

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