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hi! i've been meaning to write something like this for a really long time, and have had the start of this fic in my google docs for forever, but got the motivation to actually get it on here when i was rereading glitch | jack hughes (by the amazing hughesluvr1989 , which i highly recommend to whoever sees this to go read! it's byfar my fav jack hughes fic in the whole world)

anyways, please be prepared for triggering topics. i really don't know what exactly i have planned for this, just little ideas here and there so i'll be filling in the gaps as i go along, so please be prepared for triggering things. i'll be giving warnings before things like that pop up!

also, probably no smut. i'll read it when i'm literally around my whole family or whatever, but i hate writing it, so there's like a 98% chance that there will be no smut, sorry!

lastly, the start of this fic takes place during the beginning of the 2021-2022 season, so early october!

— ally :)

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