chapter seven

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liked by jackhughes and 373 othersbaileycameronn_: everyone thank my amazing dad for these even more amazing photos of marls 🤩

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liked by jackhughes and 373 others
baileycameronn_: everyone thank my amazing dad for these even more amazing photos of marls 🤩

load all 106 comments..

amelia.daviss: THANK YOU DAD
baileycameronn_: woah woah just because he's your second father does not mean you can call him dad that is for me and me only
amelia.daviss: so what am i supposed to call him?? isaac?
baileycameronn_: yeah 🤯 that's his name isn't it?

isaac_cameron: You're welcome
baileycameronn_: since when did you have instagram??
isaac_cameron: Since a few months ago
amelia.daviss: dad please ground bailey she's been a bully lately
isaac_cameron: Bailey, you're grounded
baileycameronn_: I DIDNT DO ANYTHING?? amelia daisy davis i hate you
amelia.daviss: see what i mean dad she's a bully

user3: AWW MARLEY he's so cute i love him

user4: even baileys shocked 😭

user2: so jack liked but he didn't comment this time?? hmm i wonder what happened
user5: probably nothing?? it's not a big deal bro people don't have to comment on stuff


amelia.daviss added to their story!

daviss added to their story!

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