speak now! or.. begin again?

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Hi everyone! Soooo as you all know I've been majorly slacking on updates, and that's 100% my fault. I adore speak now with my entire being and more, so it hurts that I haven't been updating OR producing good quality writing.

So, I'm rewriting!

The mistakes I made early in this fic simply didn't set me up to continue very well at all, and I'm spending more time trying to dig myself out of that hole rather than give you guys the writing you deserve.

This version of speak now will be up for a while still, but no updates on this. The new speak now will have more of everything. More content, more context, better writing, and obviously, more Jack and Bailey!

I was really on the fence with rewriting but throughout the long conversation with Lottie, I was kinda convinced to just do it.

The new and improved version of speak now will also have a new title! Because let's be real, speak now does NOT have any connection to this fic besides the one song that inspired this whole thing.

"begin again" will be the new name of speak now! (yes, like the song!)

I'm so stoked to rewrite and make this everything I wanted it to be originally, and more. I hope you'll all enjoy this new version as much as I will.

And I apologize for kind of dropping this version so suddenly, but the poor quality was ruining it for me and was the main cause for the lack of updates, and I really just want to give you guys all I have to offer and a rewritten version will do just that.

Anyways, I'm ready to begin again! Hope to see you all there!

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