chapter thirteen

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A/N: i think i'm just unable to keep these chapters under 5k words anymore. im both loving it and hating it.

TW: Brief mentions of death, drunk driving

Bailey Cameron

I had been in an usually good mood ever since I walked into the café, which really wasn't very unusual since I was often in a good mood during work, but today I was in a slightly better good mood.

"What's got you so smiley today?" Marta asked as she worked on a customers drink. My smile widened, eager to share.

"Well for one, I convinced Jack to go hiking with me after I get off today," I started. I didn't really convince him, though, since he was on board the second I brought it up. "Then, I talked to my dad on the way here, and he has a few days off for Thanksgiving next week, so I'm gonna go visit him up in Michigan! Since I'm going up there, he wants to do this dinner with some of our family that I haven't seen in a while. Just my Auntie Clara and her kids, and then my Uncle Benny and his fiancé are going, so I'll get to meet her. Oh, and my grandparents too."

"Benny's getting married?"

"If the girl doesn't dump him before the end of June, then yes. Dad said she was nice."

"That's great, darling. I'm happy for him, finally settling down with someone. Not that him being dumped was ever technically his fault in the first place, but I'm happy he finally found someone who can put up with his antics. When are you leaving?"

"Probably next Tuesday, so two days before Thanksgiving. Then come back Sunday or something. What are you doing with your boys?" I asked, genuinely curious. Marta had never really mentioned what she, Liam, and Aiden did over the holidays. I frowned when she sighed.

"I'm not sure. It's our first Thanksgiving without their father, so I'm trying to figure something out that'll take their mind off of him, but I don't know what to do," She explained sadly. I wanted to hug her right then and there. Marta had lost her husband, the boys' father, nearly a year ago to a drunk driver, and she had been doing her best to get by since then. Her family had never been super involved in her life, I knew that, but I didn't think they'd go as far as leaving her alone on a holiday. Guess I was wrong, unfortunately.

An idea popped into my head, something that was completely her choice but would definitely take Liam and Aiden's nine year old minds' elsewhere. "Why don't you guys come up to Michigan with me? I've mentioned you to my dad, he thinks you sound cool. I'm sure he'd love the boys. And they'd probably get on great with my cousins, too."

Marta's hand slipped just a bit, and I thought for a moment that she might drop the drink she was making. She didn't, but she shook her head, "Oh, Bailey, I can't invade on you and your father like that."

"Yes, you can. He thinks your super cool, I think your super cool, my cousins would think Liam and Aiden are super cool.." I trailed off, trying to get her to come. I honestly would love to have her and the boys there. "And I'm pretty sure my dad's making the turkey this year, which you know will be amazing.."

"I can't, darling."

"Marta," I whined, swiftly moving to her other side as she went to hand her customer his drink. "Please come. You're practically family to me, y'know."

"I don't know," She sighed, shaking her head. "I don't want to ruin your guys' Thanksgiving."

"You wouldn't ruin it. You'd make it, like, ten times better," I claimed.

"Isn't it only your close family who's going?"

"You are my close family. Which is why you should go."

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