chapter twelve

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A/N: Another long one, oopsies..

Bailey Cameron

I rummaged through my closet, searching for anything red. A few days after the festival and I stayed at his place, he asked me if I wanted to go watch one of his games.

I had said yes, one thing led to another, and now Amelia was sitting on her bed, scrolling through her phone, as Taylor Swift played loudly on our shared speaker and I was looking for something to wear.

I was too focused on my outfit to even sing the lyrics to Better Than Revenge, which had to say something since that was definitely one of my top three songs. "I swear I used to have red clothes. The only red thing I've found is that lacey maroon bra you got me for my birthday last year."

"So wear that," Amelia said, not even looking up. I stared at her for a moment before I threw said bra at her. She jumped as it hit her in the neck and finally looked up from her phone.

"Were you even listening? I'm not wearing that," I scolded before turning back to my closet. I heard Amelia sigh and the bed squeak slightly as she got up.

"Why don't you wear.." She opened up our shared dresser and tossed a pair of black wide leg jeans at me. "Those. And you can wear my jersey that my dad gave me. It doesn't have any name on it, though."

"I'm so happy you were born in New Jersey," I said, pulling on my jeans and throwing the jersey over my head.

Amelia snorted as she collapsed back onto her bed, her job done. "Why?"

"Because you're a Devils fan and you have a jersey I can borrow."

"That's all? No 'because we never would've met and become best friends and I wouldn't have anyone to make amazing outfits for me'?"

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, I'm happy you were born here because if you hadn't been then we never would've met and become best friends."

"You forgot the outfit part."

"No, that'll boost your ego too much. Plus, I would've figured something out eventually."

"Sure," Amelia mumbled before going back to her phone. Better Than Revenge had ended, and New Years Day had taken its place. I sung the lyrics under my breath as I slipped the borrowed jersey over my head. Amelia and I were the same size in basically everything, so it fit me perfectly.

I loosely curled my hair and fluffed it up a bit with my hands to give it some volume, then put a bit of mascara on. "Okay, I think I'm ready," I said as I grabbed my phone, noticing a text from someone but ignoring it and making a mental note to reply later before stuffing it in my back pocket.

"No, you're not," Amelia declared, getting up once again. I gave her a confused look.

"What else do I need—" I slowly asked, racking my brain for what else I could possibly need for a hockey game.

"This," She replied smoothly, grabbing my shoulder and spinning me around so my back was to her. "Pull your hair back."

I did what she asked, and I felt her place a thin chain around my neck. Once she clipped it, I fixed my hair and looked at it in the mirror. It was a simple, yet gorgeous, silver necklace with a small, also silver, star dangling from it.

"Aw, it's so pretty. Where'd you get this?" I questioned as I fiddled with it.

"I dunno, I think my sister gave it to me a while ago," Amelia placed her hands on her hips and stepped back, admiring her final touch.

"I still don't see why I needed it."

"Because it ties the whole outfit together!" She beamed. I gave her unsure smile.

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