chapter two

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A/N: i realized that i totally forgot to include this last chapter, but bailey never told jack her name, he had read it on her name tag when they first met! that's why when it was his POV he knew her name and stuff


Bailey Cameron

Thursday was one of the few days I had off from work, so that afternoon, after my classes, Amelia and I had agreed upon going out for lunch somewhere. When we sat down at inside a small resturant, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Pulling it out, I read 'Marta ☕️' on the screen, one of my co-workers. She was in her late forties, and had been on the same shift as me yesterday, during my second encounter with Jack.

marta ☕️

marta ☕️
I just finished the morning shift.
The handsome young man from yesterday came in and asked about you.
He was very sweet!

he did??
what did you tell him?

marta ☕️
The truth, that you have classes and don't work  on Thursdays.
He seemed a little disappointed.
Are you two a thing, or..?

no, we're definitely not a thing
i just met him two days ago at the cafe

marta ☕️
Really? Judging by how gloomy he got when I told him you weren't here, I thought you two were childhood friends!

that's weird
thanks for letting me know tho!
i'll see you monday at work!
love you 😘

marta ☕️
No problem girlie!
Love you more ❤️

Amelia raised one eyebrow at me after I showed her the messages between me and Marta. I hated that she could do that and I couldn't, she always used it against me. "Stop doing that! It seriously creeps me out a bit," I cringed, and she just smirked at me. Bitch. But she did stop, thankfully. "And I know what you're gonna say—"

"I think you should go for it. He's obviously interested if he's come to your work to see you three days in a row," Amelia started, leaning forward and resting her elbows on the table. She continued, failing her forearms around as she spoke. "And I understand why you don't want to, but when did either of those guys visit your work? Even when you were dating? Exactly. Never. This guy, Jake or Jack or whatever, might be different! Just give him a shot. Hell, even just be friends. This could be good for you!" Finally finished with her mini speech, she grabbed her drink and leaned back, drinking it from one of the straws the waitresses had brought for them.

"Did you ever think that he asked about me because he wanted me to make him his usual drink or something?" I said tentatively. I knew it was a longshot, because nobody ever asks for a certain person just to make their drink. Even Amelia looked disappointed with my answer. "There's no way you just said that. Because he wanted you to make his drink? Really?"

"Yes! I mean, some people are probably like that! I've never met one, but I'm sure they exist somewhere!" I defended myself, just deciding to roll with it now because I didn't want to admit that Amelia was probably right about Jack.


I sighed. "Yes?" There was no getting out of this conversation now.

"I know the history of your love life. I won't ask you to strive for that with this guy, or anyone for that matter, anymore. But at least get to know him, as friends? Please?" Amelia had a hopeful look on her face. I knew she only wanted the best for me, because that's how she was. I was thankful for that, to have a best friend as great as her. I finally gave in, looking down at my plate and smiling a bit.

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