chapter ten

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liked by isaac_cameron and 432 othersbaileycameronn_: got lost in the corn maze (don't recommend), got our faces painted, had a pumpkin carving contest that i totally won, and jack won me a teddy bear who i named paddington 😋

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liked by isaac_cameron and 432 others
baileycameronn_: got lost in the corn maze (don't recommend), got our faces painted, had a pumpkin carving contest that i totally won, and jack won me a teddy bear who i named paddington 😋

load all 281 comments..

isaac_cameron: Did you break our record in the corn maze?
baileycameronn_: nope, we tried but got lost
isaac_cameron: Good, that record was hard to set.
baileycameronn_: dad 😭
amelia.daviss: bailey i love your dad so much

amelia.daviss: UGH i wish i went
baileycameronn_: you were there in my heart 🫶
amelia.daviss: thanks babe 😘

jackhughes: I thought we agreed we both lost the pumpkin carving contest?
baileycameronn_: now that i look at the pictures again i think i won
jackhughes: No
baileycameronn_: yes

user4: DID HER AND JACK GO ON A DATE?? i'm gonna cry
user1: it looks like they did 😭😭
user3: At least she's a brunette
user4: that's true but i still want to cry

user2: How do you get lost in a corn maze 😭
baileycameronn_: it was actually really easy

user5: fucking puck bunny




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liked by baileycameronn_ and 126,838 othersjackhughes: I actually won the pumpkin carving contest 🎃

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liked by baileycameronn_ and 126,838 others
jackhughes: I actually won the pumpkin carving contest 🎃

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baileycameronn_: idk why you're lying since I won it actually
jackhughes: Agree to disagree?
baileycameronn_: sure. i still won tho

lhughes_06: when did this happen
jackhughes: Wdym when did what happen
_quinnhughes: Are you keeping secrets from us Jack?
jackhughes: No??

_quinnhughes: You suck at pumpkin carving though
jackhughes: I have no idea what you're talking about

trevorzegras: Dude
jackhughes: dude
trevorzegras: DUDE

_alexturcotte: can we just rewind here for a second
jackhughes: No
_alexturcotte: i think we should

colecaufield: wait a second
jackhughes: No it's okay

user2: jack is fighting for his life in the comments rn

user5: who else is here from baileys account?
user4: me unfortunately 😭
user8: i am too and i actually wanna cry

user1: So it was a date then?
user3: looks like it yeah

user7: i wish i could unsee this


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