chapter seventeen

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A/N: there's a time jump here! last chapter was a few days after Thanksgiving, this chapter takes place on New Year's Eve! bailey and miles are still in the middle of whatever they are (unfortunately). but yall have fun with this chapter..

TW: Drink spiking

i gave your name as my emergency phone call, honey, it rang and rang, even the cops thought you were wrong for hanging up — noah kahan

Bailey Cameron

With a yawn, I stretched my body out across my bed. I had stayed up far too late last night talking to Miles, probably until at least three in the morning. Definitely not the smartest thing I've ever done. But once I had gotten a few cups of coffee in me, it had been significantly easier for me to stay awake throughout work. And thank God it was the middle of our winter break, because I don't think I would've been able to last in my classes.

"Bailey! Bailey, Bailey, Bailey!" Amelia barged into our dorm, grinning from ear to ear. Still lying face down on my bed, I tried to suck up that last bit of peace and quiet.

"What?" I groaned, not looking up. Amelia didn't seem to care much, jumping on my bed next to me.

"You know how we're always super bored on New Years every year and we have nothing to do?" She paused, and I didn't respond, so she continued happily. "Well, not this year! One of my classmates mentioned this party that someone's throwing downtown, and I made her tell me all of the details. Long story short, we're going, and it's gonna be amazing."

I finally sat up, more than ready to protest this idea. I had been perfectly content sitting in my dorm on New Years, watching movies with Amelia. Plus, parties weren't really my thing, and probably never would be. I opened my mouth, but I was silenced when Amelia held up a finger. "I know what you're gonna say. Bailey, you have to come with me. I know you have this thing against parties that I don't really understand yet, but this'll be fun! And it's not like you have to drink or anything, either. Just come and hang out. Oo, you can be my DD! I'll need one."

I glared at her, still absolutely hating the idea of going to a party tonight. But I couldn't just let Amelia go alone, either. I mean, it's not like I would be drinking, just like she said. "Fine," I breathed out. Immediately she jumped up, overjoyed with my answer. "But we're not staying the whole time, though."

She slowed to a stop, facing me with a frown on her face. "What, why not?"

"One, because I'm tired and don't wanna be out later than I have to be. Two, does it matter? Once you get drunk you're not gonna remember anything anyways."

"Oh, that's a good point," Amelia said as she slumped down next to me. "What're you gonna wear?"

That was a good question. It's not like I was looking to impress anyone specific. Besides Miles, that was. Maybe had Miles been there and going to this party, I would've been much more concerned about my appearance, but he wasn't. And he was the only person I wanted to look nice for. "Probably something simple," I said after a moment of thought.

"Lame. I'm gonna wear that cute black skirt I got at that thrift store a few weeks ago."

"Really? In the middle of winter? Lia, you're gonna be freezing," I chuckled as she waved me off. Checking the time on my phone, I wondered if I'd have time to squeeze in a quick nap before we left.

"I'll be fine. We're gonna be inside anyways, and body heat is a thing."

"Uh-huh," I said, pushing her off the bed so she could get ready, knowing it took her way too long to do this kind of stuff. "I'm gonna take a nap for an hour."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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