chapter four

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Bailey Cameron

The next morning, I assumed that Jack had left before Amelia had gotten back, because when I woke up around eleven, he was gone and Amelia was the only other person who was there. I had decided it was a bit too late to text him, and opted to do that the next morning. Amelia also seemed to be totally clueless about it, and I knew I'd have to tell her eventually because she'd totally find out one way or another. I loosely explained what had happened as we each got ready for our days, as I was feeling decent enough to go to work.

But Amelia's eyes seriously looked like they were about to pop out of her head. I bit back a laugh, not expecting this much of a reaction. "So, you just waited until the next day to tell me that he came over? You've should've told me sooner! Who gives a shit if I was sleeping by the time you woke up!" She gushed. She was probably more excited about it than I was.

"I didn't wake you up because you always hit me with a pillow before I have a chance to explain anything!"

"I wouldn't have hit you with a pillow!"

"Liar," I said, "And it wasn't a big deal anyways. We're friends, am I not allowed to have friends over without telling you?"

"Bailey, you don't have any friends," Amelia sassed, putting her hands on her hips. "That was a low blow. I'm actually offended that you would even assume that," I flipped her off as I took a sip of a drink she had made me. She said it was supposed to help my immune system and had a ton pf Vitamin C in it and stuff, and at this point, I was down to try anything that could get rid of whatever bug I had.

"You're just mad 'cause it's true," She crinkled her nose at me, earning herself an eye roll. "Anyways, so Jake—"


"—Jack came over with soup and a bunch of medicine? And then he stayed to watch Little Women with you?" Amelia summed it up. I nodded. "Yeah, but I dunno how long he stayed. Obviously he left before you got home, but I dunno if he left a few minutes after I fell asleep, or.."

"Have you asked him?" Amelia questioned, and I mumbled a "No" as I took another sip of my drink before deciding to change. "Are you going to ask him?"

I pulled a pair of jeans on. "Wasn't planning on it, I didn't really think it was that big of deal," I said as I buttoned them.

"You're impossible," Amelia said before she grabbed her phone and other necessities. "I gotta go. You better ask that man!" She called as she left our dorm room. I gave her a thumbs up and a tight smile, then proceeded to finish dressing and throw on some makeup so I wouldn't look dead today, before heading out myself. I planned on texting Jack once I was at the cafe.

watercolor eyes 🌊

good morning!
sorry about yesterday, i totally passed out

watercolor eyes 🌊
Good morning :)
It's okay, you're sick
No worries

are you coming to the cafe this morning?

watercolor eyes 🌊
Are you?

aww your clingy today
how cute
and yes, i'm here already to open
took a bunch of advil before i left

watercolor eyes 🌊
How were you feeling this morning?
BEFORE the advil, i mean

well my fever wasn't 104 anymore
oh and i only threw up once this morning!

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